Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Chokeables - Save a life with St John Ambulance and win a first aid kit

It goes without saying that your children are precious to you, but as much as we try to protect them, there is always the possibility of an accident. 

With 5 children there were always and still are pieces of lego/knew lying around the house. As much as you try to keep small objects out of babies reach, when they start to move around and grab things there's always the possibility they can find pen lids, small toys and nuts and sweets that have been dropped on the floor unknowingly and missed by the hoover.

My children have grown up now and left home, but I have a 4 year old niece and a 1 year old great nephew and another great nephew or niece on the way, so who knows when I may need to use these first aid skills and I encourage everyone to watch this 40 second video that could save a life.

St John Ambulance, believe that everyone should have the skills and confidence to know what to do in an emergency. Knowing basic first aid can be the difference between life and death – and every week they hear of new people whose lives have been saved because someone nearby knew what to do.

40% of parents asked by SJA have witnessed their own baby choke and when almost four-fifths don’t know what to do in this situation so they have made a short memorable video, The Chokeables – featuring the voices of David Walliams, David Mitchell, Johnny Vegas and Sir John Hurt – that shows people how to help a choking baby.

In The Chokeables, the celebrities take on the characters of animated objects that could potentially choke babies: a small princess toy, a pen lid, a jelly baby and a peanut. They've joined together because they've had enough and want to show how easy it is to save a choking baby's life.
In just 40 seconds you can learn how to give first aid to a choking baby.

For more information and additional resources click here

St John Ambulance have given me a first aid kit to give away to a reader. All I want you to do is share this post and leave a comment and tell me why you would like one. You must be resident in the UK and I will pick a winner on March 21st 2015.

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