Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Animal Tales - Managing the heat in Dubai and the cats diet

The cat has become a lot more playful since it's been kept indoors, we never found out what caused it to limp, but the paw is all better now. We're still struggling to say HE after discovering after 4 years it's not actually a SHE and now refer to the cat as IT.

It also hasn't lost any weight according to my luggage scales, despite being on a strict diet and it just sits there at the kitchen door waiting for it to magically open, but the outside is too hot and the feeding scheme for the stray cats is just too tempting for it, which we believe is the cause of the excess weight.

Bob had a Skype call with child 4 of 5 this week

I take Bob for a walk every morning at 5am before sunrise when the temps are still just below 30c. 

Last week's beach trip was at 6am and by 7am it was just too hot so we came home. We'll try again next week, but that may be our last for a while.

I'm surprised about how much wildlife we see in Dubai, we have a couple of trees at the villa which are full of birds. I hear them but rarely look up due to the blazing sun and we don't encourage the birds into the garden, again due to the number of stray cats that live in this area.

We've spotted a few of these in the garden over the past 2 weeks. It's quite possible it's a Turkish Gecko, but this one seems a little too long according to description I found on google. Anyone out there know what it is?


  1. Wow, that's dedicated, a 5am walkies! Not sure I could cope with that kind of heat either though.

    1. I leave for work at 6.15am and get up early so I can spend some of my day outdoors

  2. Gosh it must be tough to deal with the heat and the animals. Poor kitty now has an identity issue

    1. we've decided just to stick with she, it was confusing the life out of us

  3. That Skype call photo is the sweetest ;) It's funny how your cat turned out to be a "he" rather than a "she", it will indeed take time to getting used to referring to it as "he". #animaltales

    1. we've stuck with saying she, it's difficult to change after 4 years

  4. Love the skype. Our dogs and my sister's dogs sometimes 'speak' to each other over the net, ie if one barks at the door in one country the other will bark too. That is about as far as it goes. That gecko is rather sweet. I found a tiny one in our kitchen the other day and am very pleased as we have a lot of mosquitoes.

    1. the dog doesn't recognise our voices on Skype, but it made Dan feel less homesick

  5. I still find the cat's mistaken gender story funny... Sorry I know it's not funny. Poor cat now doomed to IT

    I don't know how the animals survive this heat because even as humans it is hard

    1. Poor pushkins really doesn't like being stuck indoors all day

  6. I'm not good in the morning and could never get up at 5 to walk a dog! You have to be very dedicated in that heat. I love the skype call, that's so cute. We have geckos in the south of France, I love them. Ours are fatter and spotty.

    1. I have to leave for work at 6am and I go to bed by 8pm

  7. You know I have siad it before but I just could't cope with that heat and it must be hard on the animals ... but 5 am walkies do sound quite fun - it we ever get a heatwave here I get up early to take Saari for walks because with her thick coat she isn't good in the heat either ... oh and she is back on a diet too. Just a thought - could you include some puréed veg in Pushkins' diet? Henry loves his constipation combating courgette and it means he gets less calories now he is less active but has the same quantity of food. #AnimalTales

    1. will try the diet suggestions for the cat, she is losing weight slowly. The 5am walks have stopped now as it's not dropping below 30c at all now

  8. I can't imagine Stella dealing with that heat at all well, poor Bob.

    Must say too, IT is rather pretty for a boy! :)

    1. Bob is from South Africa and the temps rise slowly so we have plenty of time to adapt

