Friday, 10 June 2016

#Photalife Instagram prompts.

Joining in with weekly photo prompts with Darren Coleshill over at Photalife

Week 26 #photalifebuildings in South Africa you don't see buildings without looking past the security.#solo #travel #expat #explore #friends #roadtrip #tourist #tourism #southafrica #adventure

Week 25 #photalifeWater

Week 24 #photalifeChildren
This is my favourite photo of our 5 children together taken in 2002, it's a rare photo and one of only a handful we have of them all together. The last time we were all together in the UK was 2007 and the photo I took then wasn't the best, then in 2015 we were all in the UK but there was always at least one child missing each time, due to their work commitments, schooling and transport.

Week 23 #photalifeB_W
It's my 45th birthday this month, so what better picture to share than this one of my 1st birthday. This photo has been prominently displayed my entire life, but I don't relate to it actually being me in any way at all. I've still got ALL these cards in a scrap book.

Week 22 #photalifeFUN beauty on the go, tripod legs fold up into carry case, but it's heavy and I'd worry things would break/spill being lugged around.

Week 21 #photalifeNATURE despite the heat and conditions in Dubai, I sat outside this morning and watched a butterfly go about their business, listened to the dawn chorus and marveled at how this pepper, grown from seed, is thriving in the sand.

Week 20 #PhotaLifeBeach the #beach at the bottom of our road. One of the best things about living in #dubai#seaside #summer #sunset #mydubai #MyViewm#dubailife

Week 19 #PhotalifeREFLECTION Bob in the desert.

Week 18 #photalifeWALK arrived in the desert at 7am this morning, it was already 28c, we met another dog and owner to walk round 2 of the 5 lakes with. #mydubai #myview #dubailife #alqudra #lakes#desert #dubai #dog #walk #pets #family

Week 17 #PhotalifeGREEN

Week 16 #photalifeSIGN St Lucia, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

Week 15 #photalifeCOUNTRY this was a difficult one for me this week, living as an expat. I'm originally from Wales, grew up around the UK, moved to South Africa and now in Dubai. I've lived in 11 different counties in the UK and in 18 different houses/flats/bedsits and long stays in hotels. I no longer know how to answer the question 'where are you from?' So as I'm currently in Dubai, I thought I should share a picture of the country where I currently live.

Week 14 #photalifeCOLOUR just so you're aware this cake was eaten purely for a photo prompt @photalife I'm blaming you for this 

Week 13 #photalifeTRAVEL as an expat in Dubai we can buy everything we need/want, not much is grown locally, but many global brands manufacture under license here. I picked up these well travelled bottles of #IPAin Ras Al Khaimah on the weekend, all the way from#cardiff #brains #craft #brewery which will be taken to #Newport in July and then driven to #Munich as a gift for my friends from #SouthAfrica who are huge Gavin and Stacey fans. I took my friends to #Barry#Island a couple of years ago to show them my roots.

Week 12 #photalifeEASTER flowers for Easter to brighten up a hot, but overcast day.

Week 11 #photalifeSPRING (late entry) I planted this daffodil bulb in October, it's making slow, but steady progress here in Dubai. I've no idea if it'll flower as summer is on its way here and with the average temps in the 40c it makes life difficult for most plants (and humans)

Week 10 #photalifeVIEW another skyline shot of Dubai from the Palm @burjkhalifa @burjalarab @atlantisthepalm

Week 9 #photalifeYELLOW @bakerandspiceme Souk Al Bahar

Week 8 #photalifeCOMFORT switched off from everything, had a long soak in the bath after work, slipped into a pair of 'hello kitty' pjs (as you do) and in bed eating dinner, have wine and catching up with  the soaps.

Week 7 #photalifeLOVE although Peter jokes he's way down in the pecking order with the cat, dog, kids and my niece, he really is the love of my life, despite how corny it may sound.

Week 6 #photalifeHOME Does anyone know what I've come in here for? I never use this room when Peter is away.

Week 5 #photalifeFRESH flowers. Nasturtiums, sweet peas, basil and rocket. All grown outside in Dubai. Apparently this is quite a feat I've achieved as the nasturtiums and sweet peas aren't supposed to even germinate, let alone flower.

Week 4 #photalifeDINNER My dinner for one @shakespeareandco @photalife

Week 3 #photalifeSKY Dubai Marina at sunset viewed from Emirates Golf Club

Week 2 #photalifePRETTY I love a challenge, especially a photography one with @photalife some of the millions of lights @globalvillageuae there will be a few entries this week.

Week 1 #PhotalifeNEW Dubai is growing so rapidly just in the year we've been here, roads are laid out differently, re routed highways to accommodate a new canal, tower blocks have been erected and islands have been made. But somethings haven't changed. Top photo taken Jan 1st 2015, bottom photo taken Jan 1st 2016. I have a whole series of these photos lined up for a new project of mine this year #photalifeNEW @photalife


  1. and it was 8c at 7am today!!!

  2. I think I'd eat cake to get a shot too :o) So many great shots, too many to comment on them all. I kept wanting to get in on the photalife challenges but it hasn't happened yet. It looks like I've been missing out though.

