Sunday 7 August 2016

Week 31 - One daily Positive, Project 366, SnapHappyBritmums - Expat travel

I'm still on my travels. I left Dubai on July 2nd, travelling to South Africa, UK and Germany. Peter joined me on the 25th, flying into Birmingham and we drove to Manchester, Cumbria and Leeds before basing ourselves in Monmouth for a week, where we visited the kids, family and friends.

This week we've visited Gloucester to see our daughter and spent 3 nights in Malvern, booking into a hotel, to chill out, walking the Malvern hills, visiting as man pubs as possible, meeting our tenants and carrying out a house inspection and visiting friends. We are currently in Lyme Regis for the weekend with an ex colleague of Peters and while the men have been fishing and Barbecuing, us wives have been gossiping and shopping.

I'm now ready to go home, I've had enough of living out of a suitcase and eating out most days, my feet are sore from all the walking and my calf muscles are screaming at me when I climb the stairs.

Summer has followed me around on my travels, I was hoping for a typical British summer with plenty of rain and while it is cloudy today, most of it will be spent in the car.

Next week we have a lot of paperwork to sort and sign, coffee dates and lunches with friends, bike rides and days out with our 5 year old niece, all in and around Gloucestershire, South Wales and Bath. Next Sunday I'm off to London for a day with the Daily Mail, Peter and the teen fly out to Dubai on the 15th from Birmingham and I start the last part of my journey, via the train to St Albans before returning to Dubai on August 19th for a rest before I return to work 10 days later. We have overnight visitors at the end of the month on route from Europe back to South Africa, the teen returns to boarding school in the UK at the end of the month and child 3 of 5 is then visiting for 2 weeks with his girlfriend.

That's it then till my Mother arrives late November for 3 weeks, followed by child 4 of 5 joining us for Christmas and child 5 of 5 arriving for the New Year with my 24 year old niece.

My Week in photos:

Day 213 Sunday. Gratitude-Enjoying Sunday Lunch in the pub.

Day 214 Monday. Bathtime-Playing in the rain with my niece.

Day 215 Tuesday. In My Garden-Hotel Garden.

Day 216 Wednesday. Shoes-I don't think I can walk any further.

Day 217 Thursday. Sweet-Meeting my blogger friend Izzie.

Day 218 Friday. Fashion-Living out of a suitcase.

Day 219 Saturday. Blue-Peter returning from his fishing trip.


  1. Love the photo of you two in the garden with umbrellas. We had enough of rain last week in Cornwall. You need to slow down and travel less maybe to give yourself time to recuperate.

    1. i'm so enjoying the rain, not there has been that much of it

  2. No wonder your feet are sore. I am in agreement a holiday is nice for 4 or 5 days after that I just want to cook and eat normal food for myself. It has been a while you have gonr from suitcase to suitcase.
    Great picture with your niece and I really like the blue picture, looks peaceful and summery.

    1. so looking forward to going home now for a few days rest before term starts

  3. Wow, what a few weeks! I feel exhausted reading this. No wonder you're worn out! Love the photo with the umbrellas. Hope you and Izzie had a lovely lunch.

    1. It was great to meet Izzie, we kept missing one another on previous trips

  4. Sounds like a busy time! No wonder your feet are sore! Love the picture in the rain

  5. I can imagine that it gets a bit wearing after a while. Great to catch up with people, but tricky being away from home comforts for so long.

  6. You definitely sound like you are ready to go back home. It's been a long activity filled holiday for you. Hope you get some downtime before you head back to work?

    1. spent yesterday in bed, i missed my bed soooo much

  7. It was the moving around that irritated me the most

