Saturday, 27 August 2016

Week 34 One Daily Positive and Project 366

Still too hot in Dubai to spend anytime outside, quite a bit of gardening to be done and a house to clean, as well as packing the car ready for Back to School for me on Sunday.

The teen and I have been out everyday, new shoes, clothes and a phone for passing his Maths GCSE, several dental visits for impacted wisdom teeth that need removing, a haircut and Brunch on Friday. He flies back to Boarding School on Wednesday for his last year in school and on Thursday child 3 of 5 arrives for a fortnight with his girlfriend, who we've yet to meet.

While I was in the UK I bought and wrapped Christmas presents for the family and this week I've made a start on writing Christmas cards to send back with child 3 of 5, for him to post in November for me.

Day 234 Old - Never too old for a paddle in the sea

 Day 235 Photography - Sorting out photos from Summer travels

Day 236 Oh Yes! - Finally the hot water tap is cool enough for a shower, however the cold water is still 39c

 Day 237 Slow - Old Fashioned communication

Day 238 Staying Cool - Bob dragged his bed under the air con

Day 239 New - Not the most exciting of purchases, but a necessity 

Day 240 Green - Still too hot to spend too much time on the beach


  1. I love the way you're so organised about Christmas. Usually I'm a real Scrooge about starting Christmas early, but I totally get why you need to do it. I hope the new girlfriend is nice! Enjoy your time with your son.
    Good luck with your return to school today.

    1. i've still got quite a bit of shopping to do, we still have a houseful over christmas

  2. Love that you are nearly done for Christmas. I'd like to do that this year too. I have all the birthdays till November done & plan to do those once my son goes back to school.

    1. still got a fair amount to do but i dont have to worry about posting most of it back

  3. Nice to be home, apart from the heat still.
    Well done on managing Christmas wrapped up.
    I used to love receiving letters from my grandparents as a child, we got them once a month.
    Well done Bob, sensible move. Lilly lies in front of the fan.

    1. despite the number of letters i write i rarely get that many back

  4. Smart Bob ..
    Hope the first day of school went well

  5. you are so organised with your Christmas gifts and cards! i expect you will miss your boy when he returns but nice to have another visit from another child very soon. i hope your return to work went ok x

    1. it's was really strange them swopping over 24 hours apart

