Sunday, 1 October 2017

My Sunday Photo - Week 144. O is for October

I didn't think October would be a month I would see in the UK in 2017. The purpose of my trip apart from visiting family and friends was to help the teen transit from school to working life. I had planned to be back in Dubai by now.

October marks the 1st anniversary of the death of my Fathers youngest brother and my Mothers eldest brother and the 12th anniversary since my Grandma (Fathers Mother) died.

October is also my husbands 60th Birthday. We had a party with family and friends in the UK earlier in September while he was visiting. We will have a belated party when I return home also.

October also marks the change of seasons, from summer into autumn and the passing of time since my Father died in July.

When I arrived in the UK for a month in March this year, I commented on how lovely Spring was, I returned in June in the middle of a heat wave. I've watched the leaves and flowers blossom, I've enjoyed the long summer evenings, I've embraced the rain although I'm now tiring of it and the evenings are getting darker earlier and the mornings are colder. The leaves are changing colour and falling to the ground, there are spider webs glistening in the morning sun and a mist over the river outside the flat in the mornings as well as a chill in the air.

I hope not to see winter this year in the UK. I hope that my winter photos are taken from the beach in Dubai at the bottom of the road from where we live before we move further in land, but I suspect I'll see the end of winter and the start of spring as I will probably return to the UK in February 2018.


  1. Sounds like a perfect mix of countries and seasons. Gorgeous autumn photo. I walked through Green Park in London yesterday and it looked just like this.

    1. it's a strange walk, it takes you right to the top of town without walking up the hill

  2. When you look at it like that, it's amazing how quickly the seasons change from one to the next. I hope you make it back to Dubai soon. Your time here hasn't exactly been relaxing.

    1. hopefully i'll be back home in 2 weeks time

  3. So you've sort of been a season tourist this year then, yes? Your picture certainly shows what happens to the trees in Oxtober! #MySundayPhoto

    1. it's been a long time since i've seen so many seasons in one year in the UK

  4. It seems like you're picking the best of the seasons from each country. Love autumn

    Thank you for linking up

    1. certainly was nice to be in the UK for the first part of summer and miss the heat of Dubai

  5. I hope you get to pop into Dubai at least for some good relaxation and some sun. And I hope you're all doing ok x

  6. Love how the seasons are changing once again and the leaves are starting to fall now. Great photo.

    1. while it is lovely to see and I do love autumn it's a tough month for me

  7. Hugs my friend! Despite trying to sound upbeat, I can feel the sorrow in your post. It is that knowing feeling! Glad you at least missed the Dubai heat. I remember you didn't care much for it last year

    1. back to Dubai this week, it's much cooler there now

