Saturday, 14 October 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 41

Hooray, 2 bits of good news this week. Child 2 and 2a got engaged and I booked my flight home. However I'm only going back for 3 weeks and it's to find somewhere to live, declutter and organise movers. I'll be back in the UK in November for 3 weeks and will return to Dubai end of the month to move, spend Christmas and then return to the UK in February and March. I'll be in the UK again Mid June till the end of August and again in October. Peter will join me for a few weeks for each of these trips and by then, Mum will be in her new flat and the teen will have a job and home by then.

281 Sunday Looking Up. Early start to Malvern with a friend to sell some stuff belonging to our parents at the Flea and Collectors Fair. Had a good day, but not as profitable as I'd hoped for.

282 Monday Amazing - Visited child 1 and took her out for a walk before lunch, she was determined to walk independently until we got to a pile of leaves when she sat down, crawled through, then used me as a climbing frame to drag herself up. I then met the lovely Sarah Mum of 3 World before spending the evening researching how to sell Dad's stamp collection.

283 Tuesday The Last Time - Took Dad's clothes to the British Heart Foundation shop in Tewkesbury, while child 5 had a job interview. Finished boxing up Dad's stamp collection.

284 Wednesday Female - In the rain, Mum and I emptied out the green house, lean too and one of the sheds. We/I made 3 trips to the tip and stopped for chips on the way home. I booked my flight home and went to visit child 2 and 2a and drop off some stuff with 2 friends that they'll need before I'm back in November.

285 Thursday Transport - Child 5 and I dismantled the office furniture today and with help from my niece, loaded the car and took it to the tip in one journey. The start of any job is emotionally draining. At the moment, Dad is still here, as I dismantled the furniture I could hear him saying 'that's a good piece of wood that Suzanne' sadly once Mum moves there will just be a few bits and bobs of his in a box

286 Friday Puddle (of strawberry sauce) Met my sister for breakfast, cleaned the flat, caught up with blogging, collected mini me from school for ice cream, visited a friend, got ready to go out for dinner with a friend.

287 Saturday Sun - struggled to drag myself out of bed, returned car hire to Birmingham after stripping the beds and dropping the washing at mum's. Put the teen on the train to Stratford and I headed to London to spend a few days with friends we met in Tunisia in 2010. 

On the blog this week:

#MySundayPhoto M is for Moon, Monnow and Misty Mornings
#TriumphantTales #TweensTeensBeyond #PoCoLo
Parenting without Social Media - We did it, can you? 


  1. Sounds like a ping pong match of travel over the months ahead for you but glad you've had some good news after so much heartache. #365

  2. Congrats about the engagement! How lovely!
    Gosh you are doing a fair bit of travelling.
    It sounds and looks like you've had a busy week x

    1. hopefully i'll get a free flight out of all these air miles soon

  3. My goodness your travel plans alone for the next year have exhausted me just reading them! Hope you are having a lovely time in London with your friends and get to enjoy yourself! #365

    1. had a fab weekend in london, there's never enough time to catch up with everyone on each trip

  4. Congratulations on the engagement! Make sure you have some time to rest when you get home - you need it.

  5. These are my favourite kinds of posts - I wish more bloggers would still write about their lives. And it's lovely to read the positives too, even though some of them are poignant xx

    1. i wish people did more of this instead of trying to just make money, i don't find them easy to read at all

  6. It is funny how even when they are gone you still imagine what they would be saying. Lasting impressions of childhood. Sadly life is going on and I am sure your mum is feeling it as well. Lovely memory to share with us.
    Love the picture of your niece with the ice cream, she is very pretty.
    Congrats to 2 and 2a on their engagement, some lovely news in this bleak period for you.
    We never get to big to enjoy a pile of leaves.

    1. oh i enjoyed the leaves, sadly my daughter didn't lol

  7. Hope you manage to get some time to relax when you're back in Dubai and it sounds like the decluttering is going well so definitely a well deserved break. Congrats to child 2 and 2a!

  8. Great news about the engagement and it must be such a relief to know you're going back to Dubai, even if it is only for a few weeks. Lovely to see you the other day!

