Sunday 26 November 2017

My Sunday Photo - Week 152. Y is for Yule

We’re often under the misconception that things cost more in Dubai due to import costs and exchange rates, but hubby and I had a bit of a shock last week when playing a game of ‘let’s go to Waitrose and do a price comparison’

Hubby will WhatsApp me from our local store in Dubai and I’ll check the nearest one out to where I am when I’m in the UK. 

This time we were looking at Christmas decorations. Hubby spotted these crackers priced at AED 144.00 that’s almost £30 for 6 crackers. 

Challenge accepted and look what I found.

You’ll notice in both photos they are priced in £. Waitrose in the UK were offering them for sale with 50% off. No doubt they’ll come down in price in Dubai also but seriously at £5 per cracker and with the standard contents just made out of metal rather than plastic we won’t be buying them in either country.

Apart from putting up my tree in the flat for the teen and sending all my Christmas cards and playing Santa with nephews and nieces and friends, Christmas for me is done in the UK. 

Birmingham airport provided me with my last glimpse of Christmas in the UK on Wednesday afternoon. Give me chance to move house this week, get my decorations up and get out and about in Dubai and I’ll show you how we do Christmas over here.


  1. Hi Suzanne, we have the same problem here with imported goods too. Although Recently saw a tin of Quality Street for 8 Euros, which didn't seem too bad (I'm a Roses fan, so they stayed on the shelf!).

    1. the quality streets here contain different sweets to the UK, no soft strawberry and orange centres so i don't buy the and they're over priced anyway

  2. Good luck with the move! £30 for six crackers is definitely way too much.

    1. the move went well, have found cheaper crackers over here in Dubai

  3. Still sounds like you do quite a bit for Christmas! Hope the house move is going well. #MySundayPhoto

    1. i love christmas and make a huge effort to make sure family and friends get their gifts and cards on time, sadly the thought isn't often returned

  4. We buy the cheapest crackers as the gifts inside are pretty much the same. Hope the Christmas preparations are going well

    Thank you for linking up

  5. I think I bought 12 for £3. These prices are truly crackers!

    1. i've ended up with 12 for £8 with reasonable gifts, although it's only me and hubby here for christmas

  6. Wow! Those crackers are so expensive! We prefer cheap and cheerful.
    I can't wait to see how Christmas is done in Dubai x

  7. My niece is having regular heart failure over the cost of food in New Zealand, everything is so expensive there #MySundayPhoto

    1. once she learns to buy local products and starts earning in local currency the prices will adjust themselves

  8. Blimey that is so pricey for some crackers. We definitely did do a lot of "how much?!" when we were in Abu Dhabi. We had to stop comparing eventually just so that we could enjoy it a bit!

  9. some things though are much cheaper and it's surprising what alternatives there are and how good quality stuff is

