Saturday, 25 November 2017

One daily Positive - Week 47

Another week of 2 halves, this time starting in the UK and ending in Dubai. Why is it that the day I leave more paperwork arrives for mum, this time for the purchase of her new home. Hopefully with her new phone and the solicitors sending everything to me electronically it'll all be a lot easier than when we dealt with the paperwork for the house sale.

I keep thinking how strange it is to be back after so long, but I was here for just over 2 weeks in November to sort out our house move and now I'm back again ready for the actual event.

323 Sunday I love
Pottered around in the day, pleased to see local volunteers cleaning up the old NatWest Carpark of rubbish, shame the bank can't sort it and that dreadful graffiti. Met friends and 2 and 2a for late lunch in the local pub for the afternoon/early evening.
324 Monday Frame within a frame
Mum and I headed off early to catch the train from Newport to London for a fashion shoot with a National Newspaper for an article on Mums, daughters and grandchildren living in different countries and coping in a crisis. We've had our fair share of drama this year for sure. I met friends for dinner in the evening.
325 Tuesday Old
Lots of last minute racing around to visit 3 of my oldest friends, to say goodbye until February. none of them do Social Media
326 Wednesday Planning
Up early and off to Malvern to catch the train to Birmingham Airport, I drove then Mum pottered around the retail park. It was an uneventful trip home, no fire alarms, the flight was full so no sleeping, a long queue for a taxi on arrival and home to an empty house.
327 Thursday Shop
A busy day, unpacked, collected cat and dog, had water and electricity connected at the new house and off to Mall of the Emirates and purchased some new winter shoes, had lunch out and an early night.
328 Friday Skyline
Peter arrived home in the early hours and we headed off to a local mall for coffee and cake and then went to Dubai Mall for a late lunch, spent the evening just chilling out and watching TV.
329 Saturday Fur
I boxed up my glass ornaments, the cat is NOT a fan of sellotape and runs for the hills when she hears it. The dog will just go into panic overdrive.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - Z is for Zip. I won't miss the UK weather.
Triumphant Tales, Tweens Teens Beyond - Spending quality time with Mum, a day out in London on a photo shoot.
PoCoLo - Moving Home in Dubai Part 2 and hidden costs after a relocation.


  1. How very amusing that the cat doesn't like cellotape! And how very exciting that photo shoot must have been. You will have to keep us updated on when it is published. #365

    1. to be fair the cat doesn't like anything other than meal times

  2. Oh wow! You travel so much!
    The fashion shoot sounds interesting...I hope it went well.
    The cat not liking cellotape did make me chuckle x

    1. the fashion shoot was great, hopefully i'll be staying put now till february

  3. Had to laugh at the cat being frightened of sellotape. Has your story been in the newspaper yet?
    Love the photo of the Dubai skyline - bit of a contrast with the UK graffiti!

    1. the article will be in next weeks paper, i'll send you the link

  4. I shall have to see if ours are scared of sellotape - never noticed anything. Looking forward to seeing you in the paper.

    1. i'll let you know when the article is out, the cat is just mad

  5. have to wonder what somebody has done to the cat in the past to make it afraid of sellotape, I have visions of kids wrapping it up.
    Hope you enjoyed the photos hoot, I did see that on Feature Me page.

    1. nothing, the cat just doesn't like the sharp, sudden noise it makes

  6. Sounds like the photo shoot was just the bit of pampering you both needed after the last six months. Hope it went well. The views in Dubai certainly look more appealing than those here right now #365

    1. the photo shoot was wonderful, we really enjoyed it

