Sunday, 19 November 2017

My Sunday Photo - Week 151 Z is for Zip

I've now seen all 4 seasons in the UK, starting with a short trip in Spring and a visit to Northern Ireland before cutting my visit short to fly out to Hong Hong to the Rugby 7s for a long weekend and then returning to the UK with Peter for a week for our youngest Childs 18th birthday.

I was then back in Summer where the temps were somewhat better, arriving in the week where temps topped 30c and still here in Autumn where everyone was moaning how they'd had a crap summer weather wise in the UK, how short are some people's memories.

I left the UK on October the 19th and returned to Dubai until November 6th. The weather was still quite mild in the UK when I left, however since my return it's been cold, wet and dark by mid afternoon and definitely winter here now.

It's quite a challenge to know how to dress each day, plenty of layers to combat the cold of the mornings, plus the rain, my boots aren't waterproof anymore, I'm damp all the time, my hair is frizzy from the moisture and my skin is drying out from the heating and the cold. My chill blains are back in my fingers and hands and so far I've managed to misplace 2 umbrellas.

As much as I miss having weather, living out in Dubai, I certainly don't miss the UK winter. Mind you the summer in Dubai isn't pleasant either when temps reach high 40s.

I need to plan better for next year, at least I can leave all my winter gear in the UK and my summer clothes in Dubai and travel light.


  1. I am always telling people how much I don't like hot weather but if you saw my wardrobe you would think it was my favourite season. I am so short of winter clothes and have too many for summer! #MySundayPhoto

    1. I can dress comfortably for both extremes but I don’t do well with the in between

  2. My goodness; you have such a busy life! I find it enough travelling between the UK & France, although it must be lovely to have the warmth of Dubai. I often feel that I want to hibernate during the winter!

    1. I love the winter in Dubai, not so much the summer though

  3. I find it hard to adjust to the colder temperatures, so I can't imagine how hard it must be for you! The cold is no fun at all :(

    1. I don’t think I’ve had a proper winter for about 5 years

  4. It's seemed like a busy year for you.

    The key is layers in the UK

    Thank you for linking up

    1. Yep lots of layers till the point I can hardly move

  5. I can't believe your youngest is now 18! And yes, you describe my outlook on the British winter perfectly. It's not the best, is it??

    1. Yep all mine are now adults, can’t wait to get back to Dubai for the winter there

  6. Travelling light is so much easier than packing for winter weather

    1. I’m still traveling in the heavier side, Mum gave me some curtains for our new house

