Sunday, 16 December 2018

Christmas in Dubai 2018

Yes they do do Christmas in Dubai. They play carols in the malls, they sell decorations in the malls and they erect huge trees in the malls.

You can't escape Christmas in Dubai.

From shopping, through Santa to Christmas Brunch on the QE2, it's Christmas everywhere.

Mum is visiting us for Christmas this year, she came in 2016 and is on the hunt for the biggest Christmas tree she can find, we're going to every Christmas market, eating Christmas cake from M&S, watching movies, shopping and she's getting freaked out by spending days on the beach in December.

So far Mum is disappointed with the Christmas trees she's seen, there's no point taking her to the biggest ones in her first few days. She has no concept however of the size of the malls she is in and says this tree is too small.

Another disappointment, but this tree is inside a shop in the mall.

Here we go, she was happy with this tree, but wants more.

The Souk Madinat

Mall of the Emirates I'm stood on the 3rd floor to get the tree in one shot.

I'll be adding more photo's leading up to the big day, so don't forget to check back as the trees are going to get bigger and better.

I'm wondering if Costa Coffee are using the same throughout their stores like they are in Dubai.

It's too hot in Dubai, despite it being winter, so I have a selection of Christmas t-shirts from Primark bought over the years. It's the Christmas pub quiz on Wednesday, help me choose one to wear.


  1. I would go with one of the two black ones although the placement of the holly on the red shirt is pretty funny.

    1. Everyone says not the christmas pudding one, but I'm ignoring the advice lol

    2. Good for you. I love the expression on your mom's face btw. And did you notice the Christmas gnomes are on the move in a disturbing way.

  2. I love your mum's disappointed face in the photo. It sounds like you're both having a lovely time. I think I'd go for the penguin Tshirt, personally I wouldn't want Christmas pudding on the boobs!

    1. lol, i wore the penguin one last year as I chickened out of wearing the pudding one at the last minute, but not this year

  3. Maybe you should decorate some palm trees for your mother? They can grow to quite a size. And for the pub quiz.....anything but the red top! #mysundayphoto

    1. lol, sorry the red top won despite everyone saying the same as you

  4. I just don't think I could get in the Christmas spirit when it's hot, I guess you get used to it.

    Good luck at the quiz.

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  5. I still can't get my head around Christmas in the sun, bless your Mum!

  6. You're hotter than Florida but it's all good. Love Christmas anywhere!

    1. it's funny but I just assume Florida is cold in winter

  7. hehehe! It's so funny that your mum is disappointed in the smaller trees. I hope she gets to see one that impresses her.
    Good luck with the quiz x

    1. oh she has now, she just likes winding me up

  8. That's so cute. Dubai would certainly make a fabulous change for a Christmas break. Merry Christmas to you xx Maria

    1. thank you, hope you have a good christmas too

  9. It's fun to hear about the Christmas trees in Dubai. I agree with your mom that a tree has to fit the space and that tree in the first mall is too small! :) A very fond childhood memory is seeing the huge tree in Macy's in Chicago. #keepingitreal

    1. I should take her to smaller buildings than she can appreciate a 20meter tree then

  10. big and tall Christmas tree.
    have a great day

  11. The tree reminds mre of one at a shopping centre here in the UK. I'm surprised they celebrate Christmas in Dubai #MySundayPhoto

    1. it did surprise us when we first moved here also

  12. Hi Suzanne, those trees are very impressive! I do like a big Christmas tree. I never felt Christmas in South Africa was right, as much as I hate the cold I do like a chilly Christmas.... Sorry it has taken me so long to comment, I took a much needed step back from screens apart from the Netflix and my Kindle.

    I would like to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy 2019 and thank you for sharing your posts with #keepingitreal.


    1. no it still doesn't feel right for me either

  13. Those trees are stunning and reading this post-Christmas is making me miss Christmas! Thank you for sharing this with #TriumphantTales and a very Happy New Year to you!

  14. Christmas in Dubai! Looks very nice. Those t-shirts are also looking awesome. I liked the red one the most. At a local event space San Francisco, I also would be hosting a lovely bash in the Xmas style for my mom’s birthday. Hoping that everyone will be having a lovely time in this party.

