Tuesday 11 December 2018

Creating a garden in the desert - getting ready for winter in Dubai

Winter in Dubai, means getting outdoors. I spend the summers in the UK as that's where our families live and as I don't work there's no need for me to get cabin fever stuck indoors when temperatures reach 50c.

Summer is very humid in Dubai of which the moisture helps the plants, shrubs and trees to grow. Peter mowed the lawn a couple of times.

The garden was overgrown, covered in sand and several repairs needed carrying out, the umbrella cover had disintegrated.

I lost several plants, the tree had to be cut back after a couple of days of high winds and some rain, typically after I'd cleaned all the sand up and had to do it all again....grrrrrr.

New shrubs were purchased, seeds have been sown, umbrella repaired and we're now enjoying the outdoor space again. That was until we had our annual storm and everything got covered in sand again, however it did help the grass seed to grow.


  1. That is so cool. I remember being in Dubai 25 years ago. Nice garden. #Pocolo

  2. Wow! Look at all that sand.....I hadn’t really thought about that but you must get loads. What plants thrive for you?

    1. fruit and veg are growing well as are the bougainvillea

  3. The sand would get me down, but it must be nice to be outside again. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    1. it is lovely, sand storms have stopped for now

