Saturday, 8 February 2020

One Daily Positive - Week 6

It's cold in the UK, Bob has a fleece lined, waterproof coat and is loving life here. The cat thinks the stair carpet is one large scratching post.

We rented the flat out this week, one less thing to worry about.

I changed the buildings and contents insurance from Landlord to personal and ended up having to measure the outside of the house to get an accurate rebuild cost.

Lots of quotes and repairs carried out. I don't know if I'm coming or going. But I've finished the week relaxed, in pain from all the cleaning and driving, but happy.

33 Sunday
Up early as the gardener and fencing man came to do a quote. Then out to take child 5 home to Cirencester, calling in at child 1's to drop off her birthday presents and cake, home at 4pm, sorted through some paperwork, walked Bob, bath and bed.

34 Monday
Electrician came to sort out bathroom and outdoors lights. Took Bob with me to get DIY supplies, have a coffee, visit the bank and collect spare keys from the rental agent. We were out for 3 hours. I went out in the afternoon to collect the paint I'd bought in the morning.

35 Tuesday Bob is adjusting really well to all the new sights, sounds and smells in the UK, he's not used to this volume of traffic, was startled by an ambulance and gets super excited when kids whiz past on their scooters on the school run. Oven cleaner came, had a quote for new carpets, painter returned to finish a few jobs, friend called in with treats for the pets and to meet them for the first time. I spent 3 hours, cleaning 2 bathrooms within an inch of their lives.

36 Wednesday
Bob had a quick walk, I spent an hour cleaning the other shower room and then I was off to Birmingham to collect child 4 and 4a. I did a bit more tidying then we headed out on a 3 hour walk to the council offices, for a coffee and some shopping. Bob is loving life in the UK and it's great for me to be able to combine several activities in one go. We had stew from the slow cooker for dinner and all had an early night.

37 Thursday
Child 4 and 4a took Bob for a walk, I cooked breakfast then we were off to Birmingham for the day shopping before collecting Peter in the evening.

38 Friday
Off to visit 2a and 2b, then to take child 1 out for her lunch and a walk round the town.

39 Saturday
Off to South Wales to see mum, check post for the flat and visit my niece, nephew and the Things. Home to a roast dinner.

On the blog this week:

The cat and dog are here. They had a good flight from Dubai.

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  1. Ahh! It has been cold this past week! I bet you and the pets are really feeling it.
    Happy birthday to child 1.
    It sounds like you've been very busy. x

    1. It has been a very busy time but lovely to spend it with family

  2. Happy belated birthday to child 1! Her cake looks colourful and pretty. There were some chilly mornings in the past week, I imagine for Bob and Pushkins the climate is a bit of a shock. Glad Bob is adjusting well. He is such a cutie. Lovely selfies with family!

  3. Wow, you've certainly been busy ! Lovely to see you getting everything sorted - there's so much to do ! :)

    1. slowly working my way through the to do list

  4. Sounds like a busy week with all the quotes and repairs. Glad Bob is adjusting well to life in the UK. What a gorgeous blue sky on your day out in Birmingham and I love the family photos. #project366

    1. it's been great spending so much time with the family

  5. Glad to hear Bob is settling in so well. It sounds like you are getting on top of everything with the house. What a lovely photo with Thing 3 - and a sneak peek of 2B's little hand there!

    1. I didn't manage to get any more of 2b into the photo with my selfie lol. Slowly working my way through my to do list

  6. lovely to read you are managing to see the family and the pets are settling in.
    Sounds like you have been busy with tradesmen as well, not be too long until you are finished with them all.
    Happy belated birthday to Child 1

    1. apart from the window/gutter/conservatory cleaner, I'm done now with tradesmen and getting through my to do list

  7. Bet it's nice for Bob to be able to get out whatever time of day. Lots of smiles with family this week. Nice to see you're settling back into life in Blighty.

  8. Happy belated birthday to child 1. The cake looks colourful and pretty. I can imagine for Bob and Pushkins the weather is a bit of a shock. Such lovely selfies family xx

    1. thank you, the dog is loving the outside, but not a big fan of the wind

  9. The weather must be abit of a shock to Bob bless him, but glad he's settling in well. Poor carpet! We have an issue with one specific corner onf our living room carpet wihch Paddington has taken too much of a liking to #366

    1. Can't wait till her large scratch pole arrives

  10. Glad Bob is settling in so well! Such a change for him.

    Sounds like a busy week with getting things done but pleased to see you all so happy!

  11. Fleece sweaters are like a nice warm bath in the cold winter. Your cat and dog look very cute, intensely staring at each other. Bob seems to be having a great time. You have a wonderful family :)

    1. Thank you, it's aways great to spend time with the kids. Bob is loving the UK

  12. Sounds like you are getting well settled back in the UK but the cold is driving me crazy too! Lots of lovely family pics from you this week :) #project366

    1. I'm fed up of this weather now, the main difference is I know it's changing, unlike Dubai

