Monday, 23 March 2020

I'm running out of things to blog about

I started blogging in October 2009 as a way to tweet longer. You can read my first post  when I spent the week dressed as a Dalek after winning #FDF Fancy Dress Friday that used to run on twitter.

Since then I've blogged about almost everything. Kids, family life, travel, teenagers, grandparenting, life as an expat in South Africa and Dubai, disability, boarding school parents, depression, repatriation, dealing with loneliness, charity work and volunteering and many many rants.

I've written a few sponsored posts over the years, but don't consider myself a blogger as an occupation. It's more of an online diary, previous to setting up the blog online, I was keeping a basic diary of day to day events.

These days I only write 3 posts a week. My One daily Positive that I set up in January 2015 when we moved to Dubai and I link with #project365. The other two posts are a linky I co host with Stephanie @lifeat139a Post Comment Love #PoCoLo and a post I write each week to link up to it, as I've done with this post.

I used to join in with several other linkies, but I found I was repeating myself with parenting and travel posts. I would write a weekly Animal Tales and HDYGG? How Does Your Garden Grow posts but the hosts stopped blogging and the linkys just died and My Sunday Photo for which I wrote a weekly photography post about the construction projects in Dubai and ones I'd visited around the world.

I could carry on writing these posts, but for what? I'm not blogging for hits or numbers, although I have a healthy DA score and I've left all the groups as they became more pods than for interaction, which is what I prefer on Social Media.

I've got plenty of things to tweet about, photos to load on Instagram, but I'm struggling to write about day to day stuff anymore as I feel like I'm stuck in a loop and have covered all the subjects I know anything about.

I tried fashion blogging, lifestyle posts, but I struggled for content and had to go looking for things to write about.

There's too much stuff online these days and it's all being repeated as the next generation leave school, uni, leave home, have kids, marriage, divorce, go on holiday, move house, lose a loved one.

I've been there, done that, bought the t shirt......maybe it's time now to write the book....oh hang on, that's been done already, my life experiences, difficulties and celebrations are already recorded in this blog. I could write about writing, but I think that's pretty well covered also.

Where do you get your inspiration from when you blog? I'd love to hear to get some more ideas for content.


  1. Well, obviously the travel posts are going to run out soon (though I still have a few to post!) but I love sharing my latest creations on my blog. Hope you find some inspiration soon. #PoCoLo

  2. Our lives are getting smaller, aren't they?
    I'm doing more reading, and that always plants seeds of creativity for me.

  3. I (selfishly) hope that you don't stop blogging but I understand that you feel that the well has run dry. It's tougher to find topics to blog about now that our lives have shrunken. I sometimes get inspiration for a post from something I read - it might be a passage from a book, an online article, or even a FB post that gets me thinking. I enjoy your posts about your critters, too! :)

    1. yes I often get inspiration from other peoples posts and of course there's plenty to write about with the dog

  4. Blogging has its seasons and it is OK to stop blogging for a period or forever. My view is that the blog should serve the blogger and not the other way round. Having said that it is possible to take your blog content and repurpose it into an autobiography or a novel #PoCoLo

    1. I never seem to run out completely of things to blog about, just day to day life at the moment

  5. Sometimes I get writer's block too. And then something will randomly just pop in to my head. I have a bit of material stocked up now - or ideas that I just need to get down - but there seems to be no point at the moment while we struggle though Covid-19 and the issues that come with it x #PoCoLo

    1. I've still got my one daily positive project366 daily diary I write and have had a few thoughts about other stuff since being in lockdown

  6. I used to blog almost a decade ago, things have really changed. I'm trying to get back into it now. #PoCoLo

    1. Good luck would be nice to read a bit more

