Sunday, 4 April 2021

The dog is off to Northern Ireland - Adventures with Bob The Dog


From South Africa to Dubai with a stop over in Malvern and now off to Northern Ireland with my son and his wife so I can return to Dubai.

The plan was I was to split my time between the UK and Dubai, but due to covid, I only managed January March, September and December 2020 and January 2021 in Dubai after starting the process to relocate to the UK by getting our house back from tenants, the cat and dog transferred, then our furniture shipped. I was able to get house sitters and rely on friends to look after the cat and dog to date. However I'm returning to Dubai for 3 months so the only option was to get the dog to my sons and the neighbour has kindly offered to look after the cat for me.


  1. Aww! I hope Bob has a good trip. x

  2. Northern Ireland may be troubled, but it's a beautiful part of the world. Hope bob enjoys his excursion and good luck in Dubai.

  3. Bob is certainly well travelled! I hope that he enjoys his stay in Northern Ireland with your son and daughter-in-law and that your cat enjoys being looked after by your neighbour. #PoCoLo

  4. Oh, Bob, you are a faithful friend!

  5. Bob is very lucky! He is a well travelled hound. I am sure he will enjoy his stay.

  6. What a lovely holiday for Bob! And a really lovely photo of him.
    Have a great trip to Dubai - will be looking out for the photos.

  7. I bet he's going to have the best time. Look forward to seeing how Dubai has changed

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

