Monday, 5 April 2021

Week 13 - Garden visits, visitors and vets.

A tricky week for me, had blood test results back then based on the them was sent for more tests and requested by haematologist not to leave the UK until the results are back and he's worked out what stage we're at with diagnosis and what I need to have done next. 

The weather has been glorious, I've been able to set the garden furniture up outside and leave it out and it's been great hanging the washing out, but I did have to put the heating back on over the weekend.

Child 4 and 4a arrived on Friday to collect the dog so I can return to Dubai, too far to drive up and down in one day and there is also a 6 hour ferry crossing involved. We're fortunate to have a 6 bed house with 4 bathrooms allowing everyone to have their own room and personal space, I haven't had any indoor or close contact with anyone for a long time, so this I guess is a bubble. I can't go back to Dubai without their support.

86 Saturday Morning spent in bed then a walk with the dog and a door step chat with a friend. Tidied photos and files on laptop, did the ironing, blog posts, read, watched TV. The dog ate a hyacinth bulb, will have to keep a close eye on him. (dog poo'ed none stop for 3 days)

87 Sunday A social distanced walk with a friend and the dogs up the Malvern Hills followed by a picnic of tea and biscuits at the back of the car afterwards. A late roast beef dinner and afternoon spent reading the paper, watching tv, bath and early to bed.

88 Monday Garden visit with grandchild and DIL in the afternoon and then with son when he came home from work. Weather was lovely and it was really nice to be spending time with them. I took my own lunch and drank their tea and used the loo before I went home. I handed over Easter Gifts which they opened as they'd not been touched for over a week in the boot of the car. Dropped door step gifts for Easter for friends twins on the way home.

89 Tuesday Early morning food shop and got a new disc engraved for the dog with son's contact details on, then home to mow the lawns and weed the front garden, a lovely dog walk and a birthday party late afternoon for Pushkins who is now 12 and adopted us 9 years ago. The evening was spent in front of the TV.

90 Wednesday A garden visit and lunch, took the dog with me and had a walk. I was given a clear jigsaw puzzle to entertain me before I return to Dubai. At this rate I'll not be leaving the house again. I painted some rocks in the afternoon to decorate as chickens for Easter and painted some plant pots also. Dropped off some parcels to be posted with Easter gifts for child 1 and the Things.

91 Thursday A morning of cleaning and bed making and a short dog walk as Bob is on meds for calming him before the vets in the afternoon then on to return child 5's washing and ironing to him. More garden ideas going on, would love a magnolia in the front garden.

92 Friday Child 4 and 4a arrived to collect the dog, we just chilled out for the day, a dog walk and no physical contact. I did all the cooking and making drinks, which is regardless of covid anyway as I do like to spoil my kids when I can.

Nothing on the blog this week.

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  1. Eek! That sounds quite scary about the blood test results. I hope everything ends up OK.
    It sounds like you've had a lovely time seeing people. We had visitors to our garden and a visit to my dad's. It has been brilliant.
    Those plant pots are so cute. x

    1. Thank you, fingers crossed I'll know the results this week

  2. Hope that everything is okay with your blood test results and that you'll be able to return to Dubai soon. Happy birthday to Pushkins - such a beautiful photo. Lovely to spend time with child 4 and 4a and to have a garden visit with your grandchild and DIL. I love your painted rocks. #project365

    1. It's great to finally be back in Dubai with everything sorted out at home

  3. Pushkins is totally the queen of your castle in that last shot. Hope you get some positive news from the doctor on how to proceed and that Bob is ok now #365

    1. I feel so despondent with the drs and all the medical tests right now

  4. Oh bless your dog looks so guilty after eating that bulb.

    I have always wanted a magnolia tree in our garden but it is too small for one.

    1. I've seen magnolias in full bloom in pots so maybe you could have one

  5. I hope your test results are OK to return back to Dubai. You did have a lovely week outside. It sounds like your dog is very well travelled #365

    1. all tests were good and I'm back in dubai now

  6. I love your plant pots, so cute. We got our garden done this week, it feels so much better now its done, although we still need to paint our fences

    1. yes i need to get fences painted, will need to check with neighbours first

  7. Hope the blood test results are okay and you are free to return to Dubai. Must be nice to have some company in the house with 4 & 4a. Love the painted stones and a great idea to add them to the seeds as gifts.

    1. thank you, it was nice having the kids to stay, but only because the house is big enough to allow us to socially distance and there was no hugging

  8. The medical situation sounds worrying, hopefully things will be resolved by the time I read you next post... Glad you were able to have some visitors and go out this week. Love the painted rocks! #project365

  9. Your poor dog feeling unwell after the bulb. Hope he is back to his normal self now and settled in with your children. I like your painted Easter rocks. I would love a magnolia too, so pretty the flowers.

    1. I may have changed my mind about the magnolia, they look lovely in bloom, but there's quite a lot of cleaning up the fallen leaves

  10. How did you get on with your haemotology result? Sounds like a scary time.

    Isn't it so lovely to be able to get outside and meet friends for a walk again, looks like you went on a beautiful walk with lovely scenery.

    1. It's been amazing being able to get out and about and actually see people

  11. What a worry with the blood tests! Silly old Bob, eating the hyacinth bulb. Glad he is going to stay with your children. It's lovely to be able to see your family. Magnolia is gorgeous. Easter rocks are a lovely craft.

    1. The dog is really stupid and I'm not convinced he wouldn't do it again

