Monday, 9 January 2023

What I'm reading - January 2023

I work as a Teaching Assistant in a local secondary school. I'm employed on a 1:1 basis with a 6th former who is studying A Levels in English Literature and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics. When they're not in school I support students in years 7-11 in all subjects up to GCSE.

Over Christmas and the New Year I've been reading The Handmaid's Tale and A Streetcar named Desire.

The Handmaid's Tale as a book was far more interesting than any of the clips I'd seen for the TV version and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. It had taken me 2 months to read it as I was also reading a selection of poetry and studying Aristotle and Plato. As a TA, I don't just support the student with getting to and from class but I actively engage in lessons with the students, so I really need to know the subject matter.

I had no idea of the premise of A Streetcar named Desire other than in the movie Blanche was played by Vivien Lee and Stanley by Marlon Brando. I had to try and suspend the image I held off the characters while I read the book and was very surprised with the turn it took. I read it in a day.

I'm currently reading Frankenstein, edition 1831, although the exam board don't specify the edition, like The Handmaids Tale it contains really useful notes/interviews from the authors and a biography of their life growing up. I am surprised by the writing of Frankenstein as I have an image of Boris Karloff portraying the monster, but the book is so much more than that.

These are the rest of the books I intend to read throughout January.

Then I'm going to take a break for February and plough through some crime and light hearted literature.

Do you have a target of books you'd like to read this year? I'm aiming for 52 and I'll document them here.


  1. I have watched The Handmaids Tale on TV but I do fancy reading the book. I am guessing there is more to it than what has been shown on TV. My youngest is doing A Christmas Carol for one of her English Literature GCSE's. She is so sick of it now but I love that book. x

    1. I'm enjoying the in depth reading that takes place in GCSE and at A Level

