Monday, 8 April 2024

March 2024 - Days out in the camper van

We didn't get up to much in March due to the constant rain, but when we did go it, it was great to have somewhere to store our wet coats, get changed if needed and brew up a cup of tea with the heating on. 

We started the month with snow. It didn't last long and our theory is these days if we're out anywhere and get stuck, it really doesn't matter anymore, there's no need to attempt to drive anywhere whether we're out or at home. 

Mostly we just used the van to go to work and the shops.

We visited child 2, his wife and our grandson over Easter and travelled on the ferry from Liverpool to Belfast. 

We used to take the dog with us, now we have to check the cat hasn't snook her way in.

Our grandson was very excited to 'go in Granny's caravan' 

We did get parked up on the beach for a couple of hours when the weather improved at Benone where ice creams were enjoyed, free from sand.

April will see us camping in the van for the first time as we head to the Sussex coast for a couple of weekends to drop mum off to visit her siblings. 

We've got a new cable tidy and we've removed the camping toilet as we'll only need that as a legal requirement if we travel in Europe, so there's more space for storing walking gear.

Other than packing our clothes and chucking in a pillow or two the van is all set to go.



  1. You are living the life I dream of. I always wanted to get a camper van once the kids were grown.

  2. It must have been lovely out on the beach.

    1. we weren't out there long, but it was good

