Sunday 8 January 2017

106 My Sunday Photo January 8th 2017. S is for Selfie.

There were too many photo's to choose my favourite from for this week. Sunrise from the top of the Burj Khalifa on Friday morning and a Desert Safari this evening, to name but a few of the places we've visited this week in Dubai.

I bought a selfie stick, yes I know I'm a little bit behind the times.

Having clicked away taking several photo's of the family and myself  I discovered I had taken endless photos of what was in front of us as I hadn't switched the camera round. Basically just the inside of the roof of the Abra.

This was the only one I got right and the selfie stick is now residing in the bottom of my camera bag and will probably stay there with the iPhone camera lenses I gave up on also.


  1. You sound as good with it as I am, not even sure where mine is now! #MySundayPhoto

    1. selfie stick destroyed by son as he used it with his go pro in the sea

  2. Lovely photo, I've never got on with a selfie stick

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Hi Suzanne, I've never taken a selfie, just the thought of it makes me shudder (of me in a selfie, not selfies in general). I did get Mum a selfie stick as she would be the queen of selfies. It was only after I got the stick that I realised Windows phones don't work with them... Maybe just as well!


    1. the one i had connected into the phone, so no need for blue tooth which made it slightly easier to use

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