Saturday 14 January 2017

One Daily Positive 2017 Week 2 After the visitors

There's a bit of a change on the blog, I'm still Chickenruby and in my 8th year of blogging, I've just decided to drop the words 'Expat' 'solo travel' and 'family life'

I'm not really sure what an expat is anymore, Dubai is just where I live now, like South Africa before that and various places in the UK before that. My youngest child finished school this June, although he left home over 3 years ago now. The solo travel isn't really solo, I stay with friends and family in places where I've lived. The world of the internet is full of blog posts on 'how to pack a suit case' 'best places to visit with kids' I don't need to keep reinventing the wheel.

This month is also the 6th anniversary of us leaving the UK. As well as writing my weekly #Project 365, HDYGG? Animal Tales and My Sunday Photo Photo posts, I will be reflecting quite a bit, as I celebrate 25 years of parenting in May this year.

The visitors have gone, they left on Tuesday. I must admit I am enjoying the peace and quiet, but I know it won't last long. It's hard being an expat, family come and it's an intense few weeks, then nothing till the next trip, which will be me visiting the UK in March/April.

The last few days were busy with a desert safari on Sunday and I managed to get the christmas decorations down on Monday when the kids popped to the beach, followed by a visit to the Aquarium, some last minute shopping and a new suitcase for me with industrial wheels followed by afternoon tea at The Palace Hotel. Peter and the teen spent the evening installing a new TV and sound bar.

It was an early start, 4am on Tuesday to the airport for the goodbyes, it doesn't get any easier. I then spent the day cleaning and blitzing the house. 

Wednesday involved a lie in, food shop and coffee. The decorations were put away, although there is still a set of lights to come down but it's a two person job. I did the ironing, a bit more tidying and then headed off to a friends house where Peter joined me for a pub quiz and dinner.

Thursday morning was spent gardening, then off to work to collect my final salary pay cheque, I opted not to let anyone know I was coming and left some stuff in reception. I called in at the garden centre on my way home, followed by dinner and an early night.

Friday and another lie in, took Bob for a play date, followed by my first proper night out out in Dubai with some of the girls from work, which saw me dancing on the beach, drinking cocktails and getting home at 3.30am. 

Saturday and another lie in, took Bob to soft play for an hour and spent the evening on the sofa with the duvet.

I'm determined to find something new to do with our next lot of visitors.
8/365 Goals.

Afternoon tea at The Palace Hotel with my niece my first visit here and 1st time I've been defeated. 
9/365 New.

Could only find gluten free bread so I'm toasting it in the hope it's tastes better. I really need to start eating more healthily, but it's been difficult with all the visitors.
10/365 Make up

The first time since I left work that I've had a chance to tidy up properly and find a place for everything 11/365 Smells Good.

First meal I've cooked from scratch in ages.
12/365 I'm cooking.

Duvet day in preparation for going out.
13/365 Inspire.

Taking Bob to soft play
14/365 Car.

This week on the blog.

My Sunday Photo 'S is for Selfie'
HDYGG with a visit to Zaabeel, Dubai Garden Glow
And a post about 'why I'm done with being a tour guide' with #PoCoLo


  1. I love the sound of your night out - 3.30am is impressive! Lovely photo of Bob chilling out.

    1. i impressed myself staying out that late, the night out didn't start till 10.30pm, I'm normally home and in bed by then

  2. I am so going to have a duvet day next time I have a night out planned - whenever that might be!?!

    1. lol, it was lovely knowing i didn't have to go to work on the sunday

  3. You dirty stop out, half three in the morning indeed, no wonder you needed a duvet day.
    The blog reassignment all sounds logical and positive.
    I love to cook from scratch when I get time, and make 2 or 3 times what I need and freeze it.

    1. I've decided to stop reinventing the wheel there is enough info out there on the internet without me writing about it also

  4. So did the toasting make the gluten free bread taste any better?! #project365

  5. A duvet day sounds tempting, although not sure I would have the stamina until 3.30am!We have cooked a few meals from scratch this week, it tastes so much better. #project365

    1. Both peter and I always cook at least one extra meal for the freezer every day

  6. I like to cook from scratch too. I do a big batch and then freeze it, which saves me work on busy days.

    1. when the kids were at home, i spent sundays batch cooking for the week, made life so much easier

  7. I know gluten free bread is supposed to be good for you but it's hideous, quite tasteless. I hope toasting improved it.

    1. toasting it was good, i did find one brand that was nice to eat in a sandwich, but forgot what it was and bought the wrong one this time

  8. excellent idea to change your blog name - new year, new you and new start continues - all good :)
    3.30am - wow go you! That is very impressive. Slow cookers are brilliant I use mine so much, especially this time of year. x

    1. i got fed up writing stuff that no one was really interested in, and as i started the blog for myself i decided to change where i was going with it, back to me

  9. I'm also very impressed with the going out until 3.30am! I would be dead. I find saying goodbye to my parents horrendous, every single time, so can imagine how it must be for you. Look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2017 #365

    1. i'm still recovering now, i don't know how i use to do it, oh yes i was 20 years younger lol

  10. Wow, 3am is good going. I definitely can't hack that anymore. Sounds like with adjusting to finishing your job and reviewing your blog, you're getting things where you want them to be. Make sure you enjoy it.

    1. so far i'm really enjoying things and i'm surprised at how much my self imposed timetable helps

  11. Like the sound of your night out :) I know what you mean about the expat label, after four and a half years here in the US, it's where we live now... especially for the kids.

  12. it is lovely and quiet, as much as I'm loving it now i know i'll get bored sooner rather than later

  13. I wonder how long until I stop feeling like an ex-pat, especially with the current politics over here! Oooh duvet day :) We cook from scratch too, but just got a crock pot to see if it saves time in the evenings!

