Saturday, 28 January 2017

One Daily Positive Week 4 2017 Toothache, dogs and Egypt

I suffered with chronic toothache over the weekend and after years of neglect I finally plucked up the courage to visit the dentist and finally get them sorted, unfortunately there's not much that can be done and over the next few weeks I need a 2nd root canal filling, an extraction, new crown and several fillings.

I've neglected the dentists due to a couple of bad experiences in South Africa and bone disease, which means implants without a bone graft aren't possible.

Back in October I suffered with chronic tooth pain on a flight, where the cabin pressure causes trapped air in fillings and decay to release and the pain is excruciating. I flew to Luxor on Thursday for a long weekend with Peter and I knew the issue had to be addressed or it would spoil the weekend.

I was also very tired this week as I'm fostering a English Staffordshire Terrier and boy is she hard work. I hadn't seen her over the weekend and she was back at square one with jumping, scratching and biting and I had to physically separate her and Bob more than once. By 3am on Monday morning, I dragged the crate out the shed and put her in it so she could sleep. I couldn't lift it in the house so slept with the bedroom door wide open and woke up at 8am covered in insect bites. I then spent the next 2 hours walking around the neighbourhood as I did again for the next 2 mornings and in the evenings, till it was time for her to go back to the vets on Tuesday to be spayed. I'm seriously hoping this helps to calm her down, although next week I shall only have her during the day while I continue to help look for a forever home for her. Thankfully some of the bad behaviours stopped with a little love and guidance.

So here's my week in pictures and a few words, it's been busy.

22/365 My Bestie
Just me and my dogs today, however I did declare undying love to the dentist for her patience and kindness.

23/365 Hello
In pain with my tooth

24/365 Woof!
Rory went to the vets to be spayed and she'll be there till I get back from Egypt on Tuesday.

25/365 Where I'm Standing
Poor Bob was so confused, I visited Rory and he could smell her on me, took the cat to the vets for boarding, a dental visit and nail bar, plus a hair cut. I was coming and going all day. He's off for a sleep over with Jelly and her humans.

26/365 Dance
Arrived in Luxor, after a connecting flight in Qatar, driver failed to turn up on arrival, room not ready, hassled to buy stuff, no wifi, but fantastic views over the Nile.

27/365 My Secret Wish
Words and pictures aren't enough to sum up the beauty of Luxor.

28/365 Smile

Back home on Monday, travel doesn't have the same edge to it anymore, when home is in Dubai and most people think I'm on one permanent holiday anyway.

On the blog this week.

My Sunday Photo - D is for Dentist
PoCoLo - Marriage after the kids leave home
HDYGG - Workmen and gardening just don't mix


  1. Well done on braving it to go the dentist. My hubby is needing to visit as well but won't.
    Glad you are enjoying the few days away, pity about the shambles on arrival.

    1. the shambles of sorting that driver out have just began, trying now to get a refund

  2. Luxor looks amazing - is that Uri Geller??!!

  3. well done on going to the dentist - I need to go and haven't had time , but I must make time because its been a year since my last visit. I can imagine how amazing Luxor is - very hot too I would imagine, although visiting from Dubai I suppose you are more seasoned to the heat now x.

    1. not hot at all, it is winter and there was a very cold breeze, that made me wish i'd packed more jumpers and a hat, even in the day. is nice to be back in Dubai, where it's winter also, to get

  4. The teeth sound horrible! Well done on plucking up the courage to go to the dentist. It sounds like you've really had your work cut out with your dog fostering this week. Luxor looks absolutely beautiful, although sorry to hear it wasn't exactly plain sailing getting there!

    1. as Peter says there is always some sort of drama in my life

  5. Glad you have a sympathetic dentist -it sounds like you need it. Luxor looks amazing.

    1. Luxor is truly stunning, will be back with the dentist on Wednesday

  6. I feel for you with the dentist, I've had my own demons to excise on that. I fell in love with Egypt and Luxor nearly 30 years ago. It was such an amazing experience, one day I'd love to take my son. #365

    1. we last visited in 2008, not sure I'd take small children there, there really isn't much for them to do

  7. Oh wow Luxor looks amazing!

    So sorry to hear about your toothache! It's not nice!!

    1. part one of the toothache sorted, now for the repairs

  8. every time i go to a dentist they say they need to redo all the previous dentists work, i just hope this time we stay in one place to get all the work finished

