Saturday, 26 August 2017

One Daily Positive -Week 34

Feeling frustrated this week, stuck in no mans land, in limbo, trying to help the teen find an apprenticeship, helping mum with dad's stuff, given notice to the landlord in Dubai to move in December and had another run in with the neighbour. Peter is over 10-24th September and we're planning a holiday.

Everyone around me seems to have a normal life, regardless of what crap they're dealing with. Work, kids, spouses, home etc. I have none of the above right now, although I'm busy every day doing things for other's I don't feel anyone is doing anything for me. I know it sounds selfish, I just feel like I need someone to put me first for a change.

Something changed over the weekend, nothing triggered it, but the consumption of grief shifted, I went to bed on Sunday night and felt different, all week I felt the same, still thinking about my dad, but in a different way, no more anger, what if's? frustration or sadness.

232 Sunday Hot Dog Legs
Had a lovely lie in, soak in the bath, blogged and had a latte at Caffe Nero and round to my mums to collect the teen and spent the afternoon at an 18th birthday party. In the evening I sorted some papers of my dad's and returned to the flat for an early night.

233 Monday Grateful to have such a tall teen who is willing to help
I had a blood test, been getting random shooting pains in my bones, followed by heavy aching. Dr suspects it's stress. Spent the rest of the day sorting papers at mums and sorting through Dad's treasures in the games room

234 Tuesday Oh Yes!
I'm really enjoying having the flat to myself, having some space, getting proper space and able to do my own thing in the evening and having relaxing mornings. Over to mum's to finish the games room then off to Malvern to catch up with a couple of mates and join the estate agent for an inspection of our house and meet the tenants. All went well.

235 Wednesday My View
Day spent at mum's. Helped the teen with more online applications, sorted more paperwork, tidied the garage. Had enough of being stuck indoor and in the same town so I drove down the A40 to the services for a coffee and a change of scenery.

236 Thursday Up Close
Emptied the attic now, now have to clear the landing, there were stacks of newspapers Dad had collected marking significant events, sadly it all has to go in the recycling, we can't keep everything because it was of importance to him. The teen and I took Thing 1 and Thing 2 to the park with my 6 year old niece. That was hard work, keeping an eye on 3 kids aged 2, 4 and 6. Called in at Thing 1 & 2's house in the evening to visit Thing 3 who is 4 months old..

237 Friday Straight Lines
First stop nail bar then visited Raglan Golf Club to get some advice on selling his golf clubs, met a few of the members and it was lovely to hear some of their stories about my Dad and his 2 brothers from their time spent there. Visited the tip and I kid you not, a true story, a guy commented that it was typical that the weather always improved before he went on holiday, assuming he must be going somewhere hot and sunny, when I asked him where he was going he replied 'Cwmbran' I burst out laughing, it's only 40 mins down the road. I spent the afternoon sleeping off a headache and had my niece for the evening, we had a picnic tea and a visit to the park.

238 Saturday Dream(ing) that this will all magically clean itself up on my return
Getting some good sleep, no idea if the nightmare tenant has moved out but it's been quiet the past week since he called me deranged last weekend, a couple of the neighbours told me they had witnessed his abuse, maybe they've stepped up a gear now. I do know the local police have randomly called in on neighbours and asked if they've witnessed anything and a few have spoken up now. Started the morning with coffee and blogging, hoping that by the time I return from a day out with a friend that the final bits and bobs of dad's paperwork and personal items will have randomly sorted themselves out and all I'll have left to do is a few car boot sales, sell his car and help mum move.

I have this plan that one day I'll take photo's that are of interest and will inspire, but then I remember that the purpose of this weekly post is my One Daily Positive and isn't about readers and stats, it's about keeping a record of my life for future generations of my family. Often the pictures are exciting and are of exotic locations, but mainly life is mundane and ordinary, therefore the photos reflect that.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - W is for (future) wives


  1. Oh lovely I feel so much for you right now as you are totally being pulled in a million directions and all for other people. Your family are extremely lucky to have you and I hope you get some you time soon! #365

    1. thank you, been having some down time over the weekend as everyone has been away

  2. I really hope you get some time for you soon and that someone gives you the support you need. You've had so much to deal with lately, you must be running way past empty x #365

    1. looking forward to Peter's visit next month and we'll go away for a week or two

  3. Another tough week for you. You're doing such a great job supporting your family. You're very brave taking three little kids out. I laughed at the story of the man at the tip. That's like us going on holiday to Bristol or maybe Redditch!

    1. those kids run me ragged, but are so cute, the man at the tip still has me chuckling

  4. I had to laugh at the man going to Cwmbran on holiday, maybe that's where he comes from originally. It does seem a bit relentless having to get through so much of the house clearance, but it does make sense to do it while you are here and get your mum settled somewhere nice.

    1. can't wait to get mum sorted and then i can switch off

  5. All the clearing of your dad's stuff seems to be going ok and moving along. Hope the tenant slips up and it gets sorted out. I don't think my Project 365 posts get viewed by anyone other than those taking part.

    1. not sure my project 365 gets read by everyone who links up, certainly doesn't get commented on by all and i do visit and leave a comment on everyone most weeks

  6. I totally agree on why you are doing this, for you, my weeks lately have been boring for me so going to be boring when I write about them, but hey ho.
    Glad you are slowly hour by hour feeling a bit better about it all,
    Where are you moving to in December?
    Nice that you are getting a bit of unwinding time now the tenant from hell is quiet( or gone)

    1. tenant is still here, he's just being a bit more quiet these days

  7. Sending hugs. I hope you get some time for yourself soon. You have had so much going on over the last couple of months you really deserve a break.
    I'm glad to hear the tenant is being a bit quieter xx

    1. not sure if the tenant has moved out, its been so quiet

