Saturday 19 August 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 33

It's been lovely having child 4 and 4a back again, I hadn't thought I'd see so much of them them this summer, despite it being a sad summer with my Dad dying suddenly, the timing in respect couldn't have been better with all the kids being around for the funeral and to help out and provide ongoing support over the following weeks.

I feel like all I talk about these days is my Dad, I guess that is natural and to be expected. My life is consumed with grief, everything I do makes me think about my Dad. People keep saying my Dad would be so proud of me, the way I'm handling things, helping my Mum, organising the finances, sorting his things and giving/selling them to a new home where they'll give others pleasure and I should take pleasure and pride from that. Sadly I would not be making my Dad proud, he would be going bloody mad at me right now, if he was still alive, if this was a job I had to do because he was in ill health and the house had to be sold. Him and Mum were in the process of wanting to move, but Dad would've taken years to have sold his stuff, to have downsized, he had started, but he found it hard and he would never have accepted help in doing it. I used to beg and plead with him over recent months to sort his stuff out and not leave me to have to do everything after he died, sadly this has been the case, but during my last few visits he had spoken to me about finances and left everything in order, neatly labelled and had shown me where everything was, although not shown me what everything was. He had pointed out items that he thought were of particular value and had spent time telling me about items in the house with family links so when the time came, which we all thought was much further away, I'd know what to keep and what to sell.

225 Sunday Cocktail Emptied out Dad's drinks cabinet, neither him or Mum drank.
Sold some of Dad's stuff at a boot sale this morning, child 4, 4a and 5 came along for the morning before going to visit their Granny in hosptial.

226 Monday Bling. Visited the old Rank Xerox plant in the Forest of Dean.
Took Dad's fishing gear to be valued and called in to see my friend, not a good day as we start to empty the house of Dad's things.

227 Tuesday Ticket. Birmingham City v Bolton 0-0
Off to Tenbury Wells to my friend's Dad's funeral with 4 and 4a, then off to watch Birmingham City play. I was very upset during the match. Think I only ever went to 2 or 3 games with my Dad, but I'd always buy him a program and give him my ticket stubs.

228 Wednesday I Love.
Mum and I baby sat great grand son no 2 for an hour then went into town for some shopping and bought cakes to eat at home. The train set, toy cars and subbetto were sold and taken away. That wasn't easy to see them go, it was more about the hours my Dad spent in the garage putting the tracks and buildings together than it was the actual items.

229 Thursday Spots. We seem to spending most of our time here in the garage.
Spending a lot of time in the garage sorting through things. The train base was dismantled and a family effort to tidy the garage and sort through stuff for the boot sale. Out for dinner with 2, 2a, 4 and 4a and back to Mums to finish tidying the games room.

330 Friday Traffic. We rarely used the front door when Dad was alive, it was saved for visitors and the lock was dodgy.
The Estate Agent arrived to measure and take photo's to put the house on the market. We went into town with 4 and 4a for coffee and cake and some shopping, showed Mum how to check in on FB, upload a photo and tag others. Gave up the will to live. Spent the evening sorting Dad's study. Mum cooked dinner.

331 Saturday Soft Focus. Take that photo, don't worry about make up or hair, just live the moment.
Child 4 and 4a left early back to Northern Ireland at 4.45am, I have the flat back to myself till I collect child 5 this afternoon from Stratford on Avon. I didn't get back to sleep so cleaned and tidied and watched some TV, had a bath and went for coffee and blogged. I'm off to sell some more stuff at a local boot sale. Decided I need some time to myself and some space to switch off, so I'm leaving child 5 at my mum's where he can stay till the end of the month until the internet is switched off.

On the blog this week:
My Sunday Photo: P is for Paraphernalia 


  1. You are braver than me, there is no chance of me ever introducing my Mum to Facebook. I'm glad you've had help clearing through everything and getting your Mum's house ready to sell. Every time I go to Spain I look at all the 'stuff' that needs chucking, but my parents won't get rid of anything. We have gone through all the important papers and where they are kept before, but I probably need to be reminded again tbh #365

    1. i begged my dad to get rid of stuff and not leave me the task of doing it all

  2. Oh my goodness, it all sounds like such hard work! No wonder you need a bit of space. I had to laugh at you teaching your mum to use Facebook. My mum hates social media!

    1. mum is actually quite good on fb but not very savvy she often posts things on the tl rather than in a message like where she's left the door key

  3. You've been so busy. I know we will have quite a task when it comes to my parent's house. I can't even begin to think about my dad's books.

    1. it's actually quite easy getting rid of stuff unless you need to raise money for things

  4. I think it's quite normal for you to talk about your dad so much. It must be so hard to go through all of his things. It sounds like you are doing a great job. Sending love and hugs x

    1. thanks, i just thought i may be going on just a bit too much

  5. Hope you find some peace in some time to yourself. You have done well with all the sorting and selling in such a small space of time. Oh you rebels using the front
    Has your mum somewhere in mind to go?

    1. dad would be going mad with us using the front door, especially when it's raining

