Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Birthday Parties for Pets.

Pushkins decided to adopt us on the 23rd March 2012, by the 30th we let her move into the house.

We have no real idea how old she is, but the vets estimate around 10. The vets also said she was a he also.

Bob was adopted by us on April 23rd 2013, he was 3 when we got him and his birthdate was registered as February 2010.

We don't have fixed dates for their birthdays, according to my facebook memories, it's been on different dates each year and is prompted my the memory.

Some years we've had McDonalds, or I've made pet biscuits, or just stuck a candle in a tin of pet food.

I don't invite other cats or dogs or people, I tend to do it just to post a photo on social media and 9/10 I'm on my own (I get bored easily). I don't buy them gifts (that's for Christmas) and besides they've just had Easter.

We did one year have a party for the Hamster.


  1. Hahaha, I hate to say it but your hamster party makes him look like the main course, lol. The cat got extra food and a promise of ham to come on Easter. I love a critter party and will miss having a critter more than I care to admit.
    Fun photos, Pushkins is a great name and a beautiful cat. Such a cat pose, I love it.

  2. What a gorgeous looking cat and Bob looks lovely, too. Your post made me smile and although I never had birthday parties for any of our pets, I always used to get them a Christmas present! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this comment will reach you this time...

    1. hi, yes comment received, have no idea if anyone every one comes back to the post to see the replies though. I tend to do the parties and gifts just to wind my husband up, it works lol

  3. Love your he/she cat and hooray for pet parties. This reminds me of all the posts I need to get writing about pet and people parties!

    1. i only do it for a bit of fun and relieve the boredom, the kids left home a long time ago and i'm grateful i don't have to organise birthdays anymore

  4. Gorgeous pets you have but we never celebrate our cat's birthday! Thanks for joining us at #TriumphantTales, hope you'll come back again on Tuesday!

    1. thank you, they can be harder work than the kids ever were though

  5. Enjoyed studying this, very good stuff, appreciate it. wisdom panel professional reviews

  6. HaHaHa....:D It's really enjoyable party here. I think pets are also enjoy this party. Though I didn't think like this party yet but after read this post, I'm very much interested to make a partly like yours. I hope my Aggy will love this kind of party. :) best orthopedic dog bed

  7. Shhh - don't tell my pets there are others out there who get birthday presents!! In fact it is Saari's birthday in 2 days time but we are mean parents and don't tell her! A ridiculously late read via #AnimalTales and a new one opens again tomorrow.

