Saturday, 16 November 2019

One Daily Positive Week 46 - Peter is home

I had my blood results back. I've only ever suffered with anaemia from low haemoglobin count of one occasion that was after an iron infusion to try and boost my ferritin levels. I suffered 9 day migraines after both infusions so not an option the Dr's or I am prepared to repeat. I don't store or absorb iron and after 18 months with an oncologist, a bone marrow biopsy and an endoscope that revealed a wheat allergy that caused some internal bleeding and no one is any nearer to discovering why. My white blood cell count is still elevated but no where near as high as it was before. The physical symptoms from the lack of iron is fatigue and breathlessness. However the migraines and the chronic pain have almost disappeared since I went wheat free. Stress and lack of sleep seem to be the trigger points at the moment.

I now have to wait till March for my next iron test, if levels have dropped then further investigations will be carried out, if they stay the same, then I'll just be monitored. I now have to keep a record of fatigue, breathing, headaches, pains, sleep pattern and a food diary.

314 Sunday Started the week with rain glorious rain. The skies were grey, it was windy, there was thunder and lightening. It felt like a proper Sunday, which was spent after a trip to the dog park with Bob, got back into my pjs, baked some cakes and put the TV on and spent the rest of the day on and off who were offering a free weekend. Did a food shop, walked Bob, had dinner and a bath and watched TV.

315 Monday walked Bob and spent the day shopping, walking and exploring the Creek and the souks. Cooked fish and cauliflower cheese for an early dinner. Had a bit of a headache, but think that was from the heat and lack of fluids, although I did have 2 coffee stops. I got hopelessly lost driving today and ended up the wrong side of the Creek, driving through Deira and Naif. The back streets of beyond.

316 Tuesday Walked Bob, then cleaned the upstairs of the house. Headed off to Dubai Mall to go ice skating again, I really loved it last week. Then picked up a cake, balloons and decorations to get my friends house ready for her 50th birthday surprise which is today but she's not back in from Ireland until the morning.

317 Wednesday Walked Bob and then over to friends house for 9am to surprise her. Home by midday and got on with the rest of the house work. Spent the rest of the day in the garden. Peter started his journey home from Cape Town.

318 Thursday Peter home by 7am, it's my turn to travel in 12 days time. Peter unpacked, showered and went to bed as he has meetings in the afternoon. I did the washing, popped out for coffee and did some food shopping. I'm starting to organise what is going to the UK, what stays in Dubai and what gets donated. I tackled the storage cupboard under the stairs and didn't see the point of putting the Christmas decorations away, just to get them back out in 2 weeks time.

319 Friday Out mid morning to Festival City Mall for a coffee and a walk round, looking for 2 new outdoor lounger cushions, but can't find anything under £60 each, so I'm going to recover the current ones at £20 each. The rain isn't forecast until next week.
View of the Dubai skyline from Dubai Festival City.

320 Saturday Lazy morning, I actually slept from 10.30pm till 6am, but my neck is killing me. Walked Bob, it's chilly in the mornings. Popped over to Abu Dhabi on a beer run. Off out to meet friends for lunch then a walk on the beach.

Service station stop on the border with Abu Dhabi

On the blog this week:

Part 2 of our moving plans - Starting to get organised

Creating a garden in the desert - Recovering the garden after the summer

Organising the UK flat - Storage for small spaces 

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  1. It sounds like going wheat free has really helped with your health problems.
    I do love rainy Sunday's. Yours sounds perfect.
    How lovely to surprise your friend for her birthday!
    Fab photos x

    1. I can't believe the difference going wheat free has made to my migraines, we've more rain forecast for this week, which i'm looking forward to

  2. Bet it's nice to have Peter back before you head off. Your ice skating makes me want to go. I know N wanted to have a go sometime although i am worried my left foot is swollen so ice skates might not do up on me

    1. I was surprised at how much my shins ached when I did it the first time. Peter's next trip is when I'm in the UK

  3. Love the skyline photo! I hope your friend enjoyed her surprise. I'm glad to hear the wheat free diet is helping you, even if the iron levels are still a mystery. Hopefully your detailed diary might show some patterns.

    1. It's a pain having to record every ache, pain, sleep, food etc, but for the best, can't believe how much better I feel not having migraines since going wheat free

  4. I love that you have the Christmas decorations up already. So glad that going wheat free has made a real difference. I'm sure it's a bit of a pain in the neck, but it must be better than having the symptoms. Hope they get to the bottom of the other things.

    1. I'm working this week, then away in the UK till the beginning of December then we have a few trips lined up so thought it best to get the decorations up now out the way

  5. glad something is helping with your tiredness, amazing how many have food issues and dont know it.
    Great excuse to put the tree up early.
    Lots of walks with Bob and glad you are enjoying your skating.

    1. no excuse needed fo the christmas tree, really enjoying the skating and Bob is loving life outdoors at the moment

  6. I love skyline photos and that is gorgeous. I hope your friend enjoyed her surprise. Great news about the GF diet, it made a huge difference to my hubby and I have a similar iron issue. xxx

    1. Thank you, the skyline photo came out really well for a quick snap

  7. Good news that the wheat free diet seems to be helping some of your health problems. I smiled, seeing your Christmas tree. A bit early perhaps, but why not, many shops here also have the Christmas decorations. Glad you enjoyed the ice skating, and all those walks with Bob.

    1. Not early at all, i was away last week and now I'm back the timing is right

  8. Glad that the wheat free is working for you. Lovely to do a surprise decoration for your friend hope she loved it. I really like all your Dubai photos, we hope to bring the kids back when they are older. Love that you have your Christmas tree up. It seems to have really come round quickly this year I havent even thought about it until this week.

    1. I love celebrating the seasons and it takes longer to get in the Christmas spirit in the sun and so far away from family

  9. That's quite a heavy record of symptoms to write everyday. The creek looks lovely. OoOoOoo i hope her surprise party went well. The Christmas tree looks cool and the skyline looks amazing

    1. If I'm honest I've only been recording key things, not every minute of each day

  10. Glad that going wheat free has helped you a bit.

    Loved the skyline photo...Dubai really is stunning.

    Love your Christmas tree! Agree there was no point putting it back just to get it out again.

    1. feel so much better on wheat free, energy levels are up a little but won't find out till March if the iron has improved

  11. I can't wait to get our tree out but am forcing myself to wait until 1st December. How frustrating to still have no real answers, bbut I;m glad the wheat free diet has helped a little. #project365

    1. I just figure I can do what I like these days now the kids have gone

