Saturday, 16 May 2020

One Daily Positive - Week 20

I start every week writing down what I want to do each day and try to stick to it, that way I don't over do it and I try to get the balance right, this week, rather than writing tasks for each day, I'm just writing a list of things I want to do now I've finished the painting upstairs. I can't start painting downstairs as I've run out of paint again.

I won't be doing everything on my list and obviously some things like gardening, reading and crafts will roll over week to week.

These are the things I didn't get round to.
Learn to crochet.
Finish my papier mache chickens.
Weed and mow front garden.
Investigate returning to the OU to finish my degree.
Scan Dad's football photo's, match day programmes and newspaper articles to Barry Town FC.
Work on family tree.

131 Sunday The day dragged then all of a sudden it was 4pm. Usual daily dog walk, meal times, phone calls with family and friends. I started my felting kit, painted papier mache balloons, sorted out upcoming birthdays with a list of what to do/buy/post. Wrote a couple of letters, read some of my book, updated food shop order which I thought arrived Monday, but isn't due till Tuesday so had to buy more milk on the dog walk. Touched up some paint around the house, I'd missed and spent the evening sending out email enquires for new carpets, getting a window fixed and 2 panels of glass replaced, buying a car, removing a tree, guttering, facias and shed repairs, the bath resealed, new panel, replace broken floor tile and grouting.

132 Monday No motivation at all today, just couldn't get going, went back to bed at 10am for an hour out of boredom. Started a new book, walked the dog and watched TV whilst sewing pom poms to make a rug for our grandchild 2b. Went to bed at 8.30pm.

133 Tuesday Woke at 5.15am apart from making a cup of tea, I stayed in bed till 7am before giving into the cat and dogs demands for their breakfast and spent the rest of day sorting paperwork, changing passwords and starting the tax return. Having trouble paying the rent in Dubai, but did manage to pay the water bill and sort out banking. Replied to emails. In between I read, did some more felting, finished sewing my pom pom rug, walked the dog and watched TV, until the food shop arrived. I washed and put everything away.

134 Wednesday A slow and cold day. Did some washing, started cutting back the fir trees, walked Bob, posted some letters, sorted mums online food order, had an early bath, watched TV, responded to some emails and went to bed early to read.

135 Thursday Shopping for gluten free foods, cat biscuits and items easily obtained in supermarket for small gifts for posting for birthdays in June. Posted mum her TV guide and some sweets and picked up a few goodies for child 1 through the post also. Whilst I sat outside Waitrose sorting my parcels a guy stopped to ask if I was ok, he thought I looked sad, I was just concentrating. Went to bed late as I spent an hour on the door step with a neighbour after Clap for Key workers.

136 Friday Not a good start to the day, woke the same time as normal, despite less sleep and missed my footing on the last 5 stairs, back to bed for the morning, nursing aches and bumps. Felt really vulnerable as hubby not due to phone till 11am and then maybe another 4-5 hours before he called in the troops to check on my whereabouts. Pottered around the house waiting for my new car to be delivered, a thorough covid-19 clean given then loaded up Bob and drove to the opposite end of the hills for a walk. Bob saw sheep for the first time, he was more worried about them than they were of him. Spent the evening on a zoom call with my friends in South Africa.

137 Saturday I've managed to get all the jobs booked and bills paid, this week, apart from new carpets as they haven't yet returned to work, they're keen to do so as I've only got one bed and one wardrobe to move, the carpet fitter can work in isolation however it requires 2 people to deliver and remove the old carpets. Lazy day planned, might mow the lawn, might bake, might read. For now I'm sitting in the garden drinking coffee, blogging and writing letters.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - Bob the dogs journey from South Africa to the UK via Dubai

Crafting during lockdown. Some of the Things I've been doing to keep myself busy.

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  1. Sounds like a good week - except for falling down the stairs. Hope you're feeling ok now and aren't too bruised :( Wow, love the sound of the new car. I smiled at the man stopping to chat because you looked sad - to be fair to him, that's a really nice thing to do though. :)

    1. I've bumped into this man again, I didn't recognise him, he said I just have the type of face that looks like people should ask if I'm ok, not sad, just worried. To be fair, I am worried every time I leave the house

  2. Hope the fall hasn't left you too bruised and any pain has eased off now.

    Loving those pom poms, they look so colourful!

    And yay to the new car finally!

    1. fully recovered now thank you, the car has made life with food shopping so much easier

  3. That's a great idea about writing a list of things to do each week.
    The rug is looking great.
    Oh no! I hope you are OK now after your fall. It sounds like you had such a scare. Sending hugs.
    It sounds like you have had a busy week.x

    1. Writing a list of things to do, means i have a purpose for each day to get me through it. All ok now after the fall down the stairs

  4. It does amaze me how much you fit into a day. The rug is looking beautiful!
    What a nightmare about falling down the stairs. Glad you were OK. How nice of that man to ask if you were OK while you were out. It must be lovely to have the freedom to go to the hills with Bob now you've got the car - and no more long walks with heavy shopping!

    1. the car is just perfect and the timing also, certainly has made shopping a lot easier

  5. Oh my gosh, are you ok after your fall? I have to say you are a trooper for going on a walk in the hills with Bob after that! Don't go overdoing it!
    You really are super organised, whilst the main things we have to do on a weekly basis are set in stone, anything else is just a 'whatever happens, whenever it happens' job! That PomPom rug is ace and so colourful, but you must try crocheting, I reckon you would love it! Once you get into your groove, you can simply relax back and watch TV and crochet to your heart's content - which reminds me, I really must pick up my half finished blanket and finally finish it! Hope you are having a relaxing weekend and here's to week 9 being ace! Sim x #Project366

    1. without kids or husband around I need to have things to do, I really don't feel good physically and mentally if I stay in bed or do nothing all day

  6. Oh dear at falling down the stairs. one reason I never wear my soft slippers on the stairs as they come looseish and always worried I will trip over them. Hope the aches and bruises go quickly.
    I stopped making lists as annoyed me if I did not get everything done. The cake I was making on Friday got made 2 hrs ago and today is Sunday, lets just say the margarine was nice and soft.

    1. my lists are for the week and I'm more than happy to carry them over, I find when I'm bored that way I can always find things to do

  7. After such a busy Sunday I totally get why you had no motivation on Monday. I think I should start writing a list, I feel some days I could do with being more productive. Poor you having a fall on the stairs too, hope you are feeling better by now.

    1. all good now after the fall, i often carry my lists over to the following week, i just find it gives me some kind of structure so the week ahead doesn't look too bleak

  8. Hope you're not too bruised. Love the pompom rug. Exciting having a new car.

  9. I've read about your fall on Twitter, and hope you're feeling less sore now. It's a good idea to write a list, and you've been busy with all your crafts and home improvements. The pompom rug is so cheerful and colourful. Awww, bless Bob, who was afraid of sheep. They can look pretty intimidating. He looks relaxed in the car though. Your garden is neat and pretty. You did ask me a few weeks ago about aquilegia seeds. Of course, I'll save them for you, or if by any chance we can meet some time this year with Mary and you, I would be happy to dig our a few aquilegias for you.

    1. would be lovely to meet up once we are allowed, but it's likely I will be heading back to Dubai asap first

  10. I made a crochet snowflake last year and haven't found time since :( I broke my foot falling down one stair so be careful! Hope the aches and pains have disappeared by now #project366

    1. I just need to get going with the crochet, I just can't turn the corner. ouch to breaking your foot, hope it's fully recovered now

  11. Sorry to hear about your fall down the stairs and hope that all the aches and bruises have gone now. Bob looks very happy in the back of your new car. I like the idea of writing down what you want to do each day at the start of the week. I love the pompom rug. #project366

    1. writing a list gives me things to do, other wise I'd just sit there wondering what to do

  12. OoOo pom poms! You do alot of work, for yourself and your family; I hope you're resting as well.

    1. oh yes plenty of rest, making pom poms is quite a relaxing activity

  13. That's a great idea about writing a list of things to do each week. I could always give you some of mine too ;) I love the rug. I so want to make one. I hope you are OK now after your fall. It sounds like you had such a scare. Big hugs xx

    1. lol, I'll happily do anything for anyone right now

  14. I just adore that pom pom rug, would love to know how to make one. Sorry to hear you have lacked motivation this week, I think we all feel like this from time to time. Hope you are feeling better after your fall

    1. it's really simple just sew pom poms onto a thick piece of a tapestry base

  15. Wow what a busy week! Sorry to hear about the stairs hope you are feeling okay. Sounds like you have a good balance between craft and chores. Like the idea of the list writing I must admit I am starting to lack motivation too everything is the same day in day out!

    1. yes it's getting a bit boring doing the same things day in and day out

