Saturday, 23 May 2020

One Daily Positive - Week 21 Visiting the family

Most of the comments I get on these posts are about how busy I am, organised and always have something to do. It's the only way I get through the week. I'm on my own 24/7. I've done the parenting raising 5 kids, had a carer, that I may return to one day. But for now and especially during lockdown I need to have a purpose when I get up in the mornings or I just wouldn't get up.

I feel the need to add 'all whilst practising social distancing, I wore gloves to hand over/drop gifts at a distance also'

138 Sunday After a lie in, I mowed the front lawn and weeded the garden and did some more pruning of the fir trees. The garden waste bin is almost full again. I cooked a full roast beef dinner. Foolishly I left the rest of the beef to cool before putting it in the fridge, the cat got to it, I shouted at the cat, she panicked knocking it to the floor and the dog snaffled it up. Sat in the garden writing letters and sorting out birthday gifts.

139 Monday Finished writing letters, dropped a parcel at the post office and chose new carpets to be fitted in the next 2 weeks. I finished off my papier mache chickens and sat and watched TV. After dinner I  met up with Natalie @plutoniumsocks on the common for a beer and a chat, 2ms apart of course. Both our dogs were very well behaved.

140 Tuesday Took Bob up the Malvern Hills again, this time far away from the sheep. Except we bumped into cattle and that scared him even more.Cleaned the windows and did some weeding in the front garden, read a little, watched TV, had a bath and bed.

141 Wednesday I spent the day weeding the front garden, the lawn and re establishing the borders. I had to soak the ground as it was like concrete and lugged rockery stones from the back garden. It took me all day. Checked in with the biscuit tin basher next door as I hadn't seen or even heard her all day, she was fine.

142 Thursday Time for the food shop, drove down to the retail park to do it so I could pick up a few extra bits for 2b, 4b and mums birthdays in June. I went to M&S, I got as far as the meat aisle, joined the queue to pay and left. They had 37 of the 40 allowed people in the store, one woman was queuing with her adult daughter for a mango and a packet of percy pig sweets, everyone else ignored the arrows and seemed to think a silly smile and tip toeing past was ok. In poundstretcher a guy bargred past me, I asked him if he could give me chance to get out the way and he told me I was overreacting and he was wearing a mask and gloves. I asked him not top embarrass himself further and he shut up. Came home, super stressed, did nothing all afternoon, until I decided to walk to the corner shop to buy the rest of the stuff I needed for the week, a very pleasant experience at Londis, always has been. My neighbour and 4 month baby (social distance) came round to the garden for a chat and cheered me up, I then fixed the squeaky gate much to the neighbours delight, put up a new clothes line and raked the remaining pebbles out of the lawn. Biscuit tin basher failed to make an appearance, still no sign of her at 11pm when I went to bed.

143 Friday Woke in the morning to message from biscuit tin basher, slightly annoyed she diodn't think to tell me she was going out, especially as she'd been so grateful I'd checked in on her the night before. I took a long drive to the Forest of Dean to drop some gifts with child 2 and family and see our grandchild, it's been 12 weeks. It's also my great nephews 1st birthday in June so I dropped his present off as they live in the same village. The sat in a friends garden and she made me tea. Drove back via the motorway to give the car a good drive and make sure there are no faults detected as I only have 30 days to identify any.

144 Saturday Up at 4am, cat started shouting for food at 5.30am, she attacked dog at 6am so I got up and fed them. Back to bed and sleep till midday, then spending the rest of the day sorting through Dad's papers, watching TV, blogging and walking Bob.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo: The worlds smallest theatre

Feeling vulnerable

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  1. I suppose that is how you get through the week by keeping yourself busy. My great Aunt is the same. She's by herself, even more during the lock down and she never stops, doing little jobs. You need a reason to get up and keep going.
    Our garden waste bin is overflowing and our council isn't emptying them for the forseeable future. Ugh.
    Yay! You got to meet up with Natalie for a drink & chat.
    The shopping trip sounds frustrating. People are idiots. My fella has got it sussed. If someone comes to close to him he shouts "social distancing" at the top of his voice and they soon move away. x

    1. I've started saying 'back off' often replaced under my breathe with the F word lol. It's been lovely to have a bit more freedom and start to meet up with a few people, long way off before we can all have a hug

  2. That's nice that you and Natalie ere able to meet up. People are unbelievably rude in shops. I stick to our little local shop and it's always been ok, even though it's small.

    1. our local shop and waitrose have been brilliant, the other shops i won't be going back to again even when all this is over anyway

  3. How lovely to meet Natalie for a chat. I've still never met her after being friends online for years. Sorry to hear about your horrible shopping experiences. The supermarkets do seem to bring out the worst in some people! It must have been lovely to see your grandchild again after so long. She must have grown and changed so much.

    1. It was lovely meeting Natalie, it's weird seeing her tweets knowing she's less than a mile away

  4. How nice to meet up with Natalie! A few times I thought we might meet (invited to same event), but I've never met her. It must have been lovely to see your grandchild again after such a big gap.

    1. It was lovely to see Natalie and even more so to see 2b, my daughter in law sends daily updates with photos and videos of her progress

  5. Five kids that's incredible! I feel like I have my hands full with two. I think your right, with the kids grown up being busy gives you lots of purpose in lockdown! Although a few chilled days might be nice, it would soon get dull and repetitive I guess. That jigsaw looks tough with similar shades of grey, I think I would struggle with that. We did a jigsaw this week too. Your shopping experiences make me nervous, its a shame people disregard the rules! x

    1. It's been 6 years since i've had kids at home and a struggle to fill my days, lockdown has given me a chance just to regroup, be comfortable with the change and just slow down and enjoy life

  6. Oh no, I bet the pets loved the roast beef though ! Lovely to have a few meet-ups, even with social distancing. Bloody nightmare in the shops - I'm really not looking forward to going back to work in just over a week, if it happens !

    1. I hope the return to work goes well for you

  7. I can imagine keeping yourself busy helps you get through at the moment. How lovely that you were able to meet up with Natalie from Plutonium Sox. I bet Bob enjoyed the rest of that beef! It's so hard going shopping when people are just ignoring social distancing and one-way systems - I have the same problem in my local shop and it puts me off going shopping unless I absolutely have to go. #project366

    1. I'm starting to realise a few down days are ok as well as keeping busy, I'm sticking to once a week and alternating between my local shop for milk early in the morning and waitrose the other

  8. I totally get you need a purpose to keep going, you are totally throwing yourself into everything at the moment and it's lovely to read and catch up on!
    So glad you got out to see people this week - well distanced! Dog walks are always better when you have company! I'm so sorry you seem to be coming into contact with muppets when out shopping, there seem to be a few of them about! Fortunately I've not really been out shopping to experience this, people are lucky, I'm somewhat vocal when annoyed!
    I can't believe the cat and Bob ate the leftover beef, I would have been so annoyed! Fortunately our dog could never reach the counter tops so never had to worry about that. Hope you are well and having a lovely Bank Holiday! Sim x #Project366

    1. oh i'm very vocal when people get in my personal space at the best of times lol. The dog was aided by the cat, she knocked the beef on the floor in panic when I yelled at her

  9. I can understand why you fill your days as some days I can't be bothered to put down my crafting and do anything.
    Nice of you to check on biscuit tin basher.
    How lovely to get to see friends and family while distancing, especially the grandchild who has grown and changed so much no doubt

    1. it has been great getting out a bit more, but only for short periods of time, i'm still very concerned about leaving the area, where so far, touch wood, things have been good

  10. I know it's not funny but the incident with the roast beef made me smile. I can just visualise the guilty looks of both Bob and Pushkins. Sorry to hear about the inconsiderate people in M&S. I haven't been to our local M&S since the start of the lockdown, it's not very spacious. I was queueing to waitrose one day this week, and the guy behind me kept coming closer and closer. I glared at him several times but he completely ignored me. Some people are born like that, they do not care about the others.
    Though we do miss Percy pigs. Glad that you met with a friend for a beer at a distance.

    1. yes it's the space in shops and the number of people allowed in that concerns me, the waitrose have been brilliant

  11. I agree sometimes we just muddle through the days. The incident with the roast beef is so something I'd do. I am sorry about the M&S incident. It must have been nice to see some family and friends x

    1. it has been lovely to have a bit more freedom to meet up with others

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Yeah I suppose that's why you're always busy this week. Oh God, so sorry about that roast beef, one would just feel like Ugghhh. OoOoO I want to see those chickens. I love the architecture of the house. Good of you to give him the shut up call, alot of people here are literally in denial that the virus doesn't exist. Alot of birthdays coming up

    1. people here seem to think that because we're now allowed more freedom, it must mean the virus has gone away

  14. I think its great you have so much on I would be exactly the same if I was the same as you. I am a list maker drives my husband mad and an over achiever... I mean who takes on a substantial garden overhaul during lockdown - ha ha.
    Sounds like you managed to catch up with a few people this week, love how you meet up with blogging friends.
    Hope the car is okay and no faults, they really should extend the 30 days in the current environment x

    1. no problems with the car at all. having the list gives me something to pick from to change up my routine if I start to get bored

  15. Sounds like a productive week, lucky dog getting that beef - I bet you were gutted. My car is feeling lost and lonely I think, I miss having a good long distance drive

    1. I'm too worried about going further a field in case I need the loo

  16. I hate going to the shop as either people don't follow the rules or they take forever and ignore you so you have to break them. I think common sense is missing right now :( #project366

    1. oh common sense has gone out the window for a lot of people

  17. I haven't been to any shop other than a pharmacy or to the Asda click and collect bay since March, and I am kind of dreading going at some point because of the horror stories I am hearing and like you would find it too stressful. I had to laugh about the beef being snaffled, that would happen here too.

    1. i managed my first click and collect on sunday, was much nicer than a delivery if I'm honest, I got to go out and felt like I'd actually done a food shop

