Friday, 22 May 2020

Post Comment Love - 22nd-25th May

I've been feeling a bit vulnerable this week, after falling down the stairs last week. I'm ok and whilst I have a lot of people I talk to online daily, a mother I check in with every day and a husband who I speak with several times a day, I realised if the fall had injured me, I could've lain at the bottom of the stairs for an awful long time before any of my friends and family talked with one another to realise I hadn't spoken to any of them for a while.

My husband and I have a plan in place, my friend and neighbour have spare keys in the event I lock myself out, so he would have a way to raise the alarm. I also have details of a colleague of his I could contact who lives near by and could tell them the location of the spare key, should I not be able to get hold of him.

My husband and I are part of what they call the sandwich generation where we are the ones who are responsible for not only supporting our parents, but our adult children also. As we're both very capable of looking after ourselves and others, it's often forgotten that maybe we need someone to check in with us from time to time. Not a criticism, just a way of life.

I had a relaxed week until yesterday when I did my fortnightly food shop. I've enjoyed gardening and lots of dog walks and time in the garden just chilling out.

Stephanie and I would love to know what you've been up to this week.

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  1. Hope you are doing okay after your fall.

    1. Thank you, yes I am, was was more shaken than injured

