Monday 5 October 2020

Gardening in September in the UK

Peter has been keeping the lawn watered and has mown it back in Dubai since I've returned to the UK, it seems to be doing better now. I can still spot the sand everywhere, I hate having to sweep that up.

The UK had gone mad and out of control. My DIL sent me this photo just before she got the lawn mower out for me a couple of days before I returned.

Before and After photos and the lawn has been mowed twice more since these were taken.

I always remember my father edging the lawn and telling me what a difference it makes to the garden

The sun no longer reaches the patio during the day

I painted both the sheds, ready for winter after Peter repaired them in August

Sorting through some of my fathers stuff to display on the shed

The roses have bloomed twice this year

Winter bedding planted

The last of the tomatoes and beans

Home made tomato puree and another batch to be made

The pumpkin flowers never set, they were got by the slugs and snails. I need to rethink next years planting. The strawberry met the same fate.

I'm working through plans for the garden for October in regards to what I cut back and what I leave and what seeds I can be planting ready for the spring, as well as waiting for a gap in the rain to plant the bulbs out.


  1. Your garden looks lovely! How nice that you are able to display your dad's signs.

    1. Thank you, I had fun sorting through some of his stuff

  2. I can only imagine how annoying all the sand must be in your garden in Dubai. I've really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all the results from your labours in your UK garden. I think Zeph, our puppy, fancies himself as a bit of a landscape gardener; digging holes, eating virtually everything that gets in his way, attacking the watering can, turning empty flower pots into Frisbees...!!

    1. Thank you. Thankfully Bob only like to lie in the freshly dug soil rather than digging it up

  3. I rescued the last of my tomatoes yesterday.

    1. I made a great sauce base for a cottage pie with mine

