Thursday, 22 October 2020

Photo opportunity at the Pumpkin Patch - Day out with my dog

Who needs kids to visit a Pumpkin Patch?

I took the dog.

A couple took their two reluctant older teens who refused to put boots on and insisted their pristine white designer trainers were fine....for a farm.

A young woman, dragged her boyfriend there.

There was one couple with a toddler, who was whipped up into a frenzy by the parents for the perfect insta moment.

Me? Dog off lead, Up Bob, sit, take photos, walk around Pumpkin Patch, came home.

Normally I'd buy a pumpkin and carve it, but as Halloween is during Half term, I don't see much point going to the cost and hassle for no one to see it and I won't be answering my door to trick or treaters due to covid this year anyway.

