Thursday 15 October 2020

Halloween Door Decorations

This post is in partnership with Design Bundles. I was also gifted art supplies and used their free fonts. Contents, photographs and design is all my own work.

I decorate for Halloween despite the fact the last child left home in 2013. The past 9 Halloweens have been spent abroad, it wasn't celebrated in South Africa, however in Dubai it was much bigger than it is in the UK.

This year I'm in the UK for Halloween and all my decorations are in the container which won't arrive until mid November, I still wanted to decorate the house, even though with Covid there will be no trick or treaters.

Design Bundles challenged me to decorate my front door by making signs and decorations using freebies fonts.

Here's what I came up with.

As my husband pointed out 'who is going to see it at the back door?' Well ... the decorations will be moved to the front door for Halloween and won't be put up the 31st. We live next door to a Primary School and I don't want to encourage children coming up the drive to the door as this will be the first year I've done Halloween and not camped out with the dog, dressed up and handing out home made cakes and sweets.
I'm also planning to laminate everything once my craft supplies arrive so I can reuse the decorations next year, whilst there's no rain forecast, it is pretty windy and it's getting damp out in the mornings.

To access the free fonts I used for this design, after creating a free account, I clicked on Script and selected Midnight Show to install on my laptop. I chose to save on printing ink, by creating an outline, then selecting white for my font colour. I lined the door with brown parcel paper and used masking tape to secure everything.

Using the art supplies, I used neon paint for the lettering.

Each letter was cut out and glued to black card and outlined with glow in the dark paint.

Everything had to be left to dry properly and flattened out. I worked too quickly, using glue before the paint was dry. I need to replace a couple of letters

I used a hole punch on the black card and threaded ribbon through the holes to hang like bunting. We just happen to have a sythe in the garden.

I then added a white sheet over a chair, with eyes and a mask, sadly the trick or treat bucket won't be filled this year.

Here's the UK in 2010

and Dubai 2019.

I had fun but it was a very time consuming job and the last time I made a display involving cutting, sticking and painting I was working as a Teacher in FS. Once everything is laminated and my container arrives I'll be able to use the props I have and have a bigger and better display for next year, when our grandchild is big enough to come trick or treating.


  1. Your decorations look great! I love Design Bundles and have used it for work before.

    1. Thank you, it was time consuming but I had a lot of fun doing it

  2. Those decorations look fab!
    We are decorating for Halloween but nothing as good as yours. x

    1. Thank you, I'm sure yours will be just as good

  3. Fab Halloween decorations, Suzanne! Love the fonts. You did a great job, painting and cutting. It does look quite time-consuming. I don't really do much for Halloween, except maybe bake something themed and carve a pumpkin.

    1. Yes it was time consuming but I enjoyed doing it, I still have a pumpkin to carve

