Monday, 19 June 2023

My Bucket List

I wrote this bucket list 8 years ago. I've completed a few things on the list, but I've also changed my mind about some of the things on my list in regards to whether I really want to do them or not. Some of the things on my list I've had 8 years to work on and still haven't done them so I've crossed them off and added more realistic/relevant goals.

As a child there was only one thing I really, really wanted to do and that was to go to the Olympic Games. I did this in Barcelona in 1992 after winning a competition with the Daily Express. 

When the children were older and finances more secure we started travelling, with and without the children and have had some amazing experiences. Since becoming expats and living in South Africa and  in Dubai, I've had some amazing opportunities for travel and adventure. 

I realised I'd done a lot of things that people usually had on their bucket list, more of a bragging list of things I've completed.

So with all that in mind I really need to get on with finishing Number 1.
  1. write a book - I've restarted it
  2. get my book published
  3. finish psychology degree replaced with Learn British Sign Language for which I've signed up for a course online
  4. become a full time fundraiser I have a job I love doing. Currently working as a Teaching Assistant
  5. go to the football World Cup Finals
  6. climb Mount Kilimanjaro I don't think my health would permit me these days, so changed to walk a mile a day
  7. walk the Inca Trail
  8. visit Cairo I can tick this off the list
  9. live in America Having lived abroad for 12 years, I'm keen to stay in the UK, but if I could live abroad I'd aim for Australia
  10. fly everywhere Business class - must write that book
  11. experience 1st class flying
  12. take the train across America
  13. see Roger Waters live in concert - I had the chance to go a couple of weeks ago, but missed out 
  14. meet Roger Black
  15. learn to make my own clothes - I'm a step nearer with owning a sewing machine and over locker
  16. tour Europe in a camper van
  17. own a camper van
  18. live on a small holding again I don't want to move house so I'm going to improve my gardening knowledge
  19. lose weight - a continuous battle
  20. get fit - I swim, cycle and dog walk
  21. learn to love my own company - I am enjoying time on my own when I can
  22. see the northern lights
  23. learn French
  24. learn how to apply make up professionally
  25. learn how to style my own hair professionally
  26. go on a world cruise
  27. own a designer handbag I own a couple now I use weekly
  28. own designer shoes
  29. wear a Laura Ashley dress every day wear dresses more, which I do
  30. have my nails painted professionally every week that's something I do twice a month
  31. own a designer watch
  32. own and wear matching underwear everyday
  33. rent an Aston Martin for a week
  34. go to a Grand Prix
  35. read a book every week on my 29th book this year
  36. improve my grammar and spelling currently working as a Teaching Assistant with a student studying A level English Literature
  37. go to the cinema once a month with hubby - does once a month to the theatre/cinema count
  38. get all 5 children together once a year with hubby with kids living round the world and having their own families, this isn't going to happen
  39. learn to play golf
  40. try to love eating olives - I keep trying but, yuk
  41. keep an orchid house plant alive past it's first flowering - bought an orchid last week, fingers crossed
  42. renew our wedding vows in Vegas
  43. learn to let go of the past
  44. give up smoking - gave up, restarted
  45. sort my teeth out  had dental implants 4 years ago
  46. improve my photography skills - need to charge my camera and get using it
  47. go on a spa weekend  after living in Dubai and doing this, I've added swim weekly to the list
  48. improve my writing am writing my book slowly
  49. finish all my craft projects I've started over the years I'm on top of everything now
  50. get sponsored to do any of the above - still hoping

Well that's it, my Ultimate Bucket List. I'd love to see yours.


  1. Oh wow! What an amazing competition win! Good luck with the book and the sign language.
    That is a great bucket list! The olives one did make me chuckle. I am like that with broccoli and cabbage. I try but they are disgusting. x

  2. That's quite a list, a book is one of the things I'm working on right now. Yuck, I can't tolerate the taste of olives :)

    1. I really need to make an effort with the book

  3. What a fantastic bucket list!
    Visiting today from #9

