Saturday 17 June 2023

Week 24 One daily Positive and Project 365

I may have mentioned this once or twice, but isn't the weather lovely? Reminds me of summer in South Africa.

I'm still waiting for blood test results from the 8th of June, been told to call Doctors next week. I've been absolutely exhausted the week. I can either manage work or doing things in the afternoon/evening, not both and I've paid for it after a busy two weeks of going out in the evenings and on weekends.

163 Sunday Working through my 'to do' list and my last night alone before Peter returns from his 10 days in Turkey. Washed the bedding, hung it out, cleaned bathrooms and walked the dog to the coffee shop. Bob is really starting to age now and he struggled walking the last part. I probably shouldn't have taken him out so far in this heat, but we had plenty of shady rest stops for water. It rained when we got back so I sat and blogged and read for a while before tackling the rest of the list. Had an early night.

164 Monday A long and hot day in work, home to feed the cat and dog, then off to Birmingham airport to collect Peter at 5pm. Home, had dinner and an early night.

165 Tuesday Peter off early to collect his mum for his uncles funeral in Southampton. I walked to work and got a lift home. Afternoon and evening spent on the sofa. Peter got home around 8pm.

Clive Mantle was in school today talking to some of the students about writing and acting. He was very interesting to listen to and was starring in 'Wish you were dead' at the Theatre on Thursday.

I had to take my sandals off and paddle through the last bit, hoping a car didn't come through at the same time.

166 Wednesday WI left work early for a hospital appointment in Bromsgrove to have some scans of the back of my eye to check a mole isn't growing or changing shape. My blurred vision comes and goes, as does my double vision in my other eye. Evening spent blogging and reading.

The weather we have at the moment reminds me so much of summer in South Africa.

167 Thursday After work we went to the theatre to see Peter James 'Wish you were dead'

168 Friday Peter collected mum for the weekend and after work I went for coffee with 2 friends from work, In the evening we had a BBQ instead of chips with my friend. 

The Turkish delight was finished off.

169 Saturday A lie in and off to the Three Counties Show, the weather was perfect. I bought a jumper and mum bought a toy sheep for Thing 5. We had food and drink and met some lovely people. In the evening we all chilled out watching TV, reading and me blogging.

On the blog this week:

Feeling positive, calm and organised

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  1. Ooh we've never been to the 3 counties show. I should try and get N there next year. Hope the theatre performance was good. I've not seen any of that type of show near us

  2. The weather has been so lovely. I hope it lasts for a few months more at least.
    I hope you get your blood test results soon.
    Aww! Poor Bob, I hope it was just the hot weather tiring him out and nothing else.
    Oh yum! I love Turkish Delight but have never tried those different flavours. x

  3. Wishing you positive thoughts for the blood results and hope you feel better soon. It's been so hot, hasn't it! Love wildflowers are beautiful :)

    Corinne x

    1. thank you, still waiting for results of blood tests

  4. I love Clive Mantle, the play sounds fab too. I haven't been enjoying the weather, too hot for me! #project365

  5. Love the wild flowers in your garden – so pretty. How lovely to have a visit at school from Clive Mantle. Hope the scans on the back of your eye help give some answers for the double-vision you’ve been experiencing. Sounds like you had a lovely day out at the Three Counties Show. #project365

    1. I love the 3 counties show, there's another one in September

  6. i love county shows, ours here isn't until September. Hope you get some positive news from your blood test results

    1. we have another one in September to look forward to

