Monday, 23 October 2023

Getting nothing done other than moving things.

I don't know about you, but I have plans, big and small. Loads of craft project, garden ideas, blog posts, books to read, a book to write, baking, a list of movies to watch, puzzles to do.

But nothing gets done.

I'm out the house every week day from 8am - 4pm. I come home and I do nothing other than read, watch TV, pop bubbles on my phone and scroll through Facebook. I go to bed disappointed in myself that I've done nothing.

Then the weekend comes and I spend one day tidying the house, washing, ironing, putting things back where they belong then the second day we go out to visit family or friends, food shop, drink coffee and just wander around.

Then the week starts afresh where I vow to do something each evening, some sewing, painting or bake some cakes.

Monday starts well, then I look at the mess I've just created, then I fall back into my usual routine.

I swim twice a week, then my bag sits on the stairs till the weekend, I walk or cycle to and from work and my outdoor clothes and shoes pile up in the downstairs toilet.

We cook dinner and load the dishwasher, the washing machine starts to fill with clothes, books and magazines lay around the house and for some reason there are boxes and baskets with things in to be put away of donated to the charity shop.

Random boxes lie around the house, waiting to be delivered, emptied or taken to the charity shop. 

Handbag gets emptied and never put away.

The bedroom always needs organising, with clothes piling up and make up and nail varnish to put away after our grandchild's visit.

Right now our dining room table is out of action as it is piled with Halloween, birthday and Christmas gifts to wrap, ready for our trip to Northern Ireland to visit our grandson later this month, then they'll ba a car to unpack, more things to put away and the washing machine to go on again.

The attic has been emptied of 6 dining room chairs, 2 other chairs and a nest of tables to sell or donate.

I think I just need a week at home to get things organised and arranged so I can complete jobs without making a mess.

The house gets cleaned as and when it needs doing, but it's never today and clean at the same time, there's always washing around, a mop drying in the kitchen before it can go back in the cupboard, a dishwasher to unload, a cat litter tray to be emptied, dead flowers to compost and a myriad of other jobs waiting to be done.

Do you feel like all you do is just tidy and move things around, never actually doing anything?


  1. Do you know what, this is good to see! That not all homes are perfect like we see on social media. It's real life. I spend a lot of my time moving things around and not really getting anywhere and I don't even have the excuse of being out at work every day. It's just life's clutter. Once in a blue moon everything is in it's place and tidy and then my family come home and ruin things. lol

    1. When everything is tidy, clean and in order, it means I'm bored and have nothing going on in my life

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Usually when there is too much to do you'll find me watching box sets or playing Sims. If I'm feeling down then I will clean until I hurt, if my house is clean then talk to me because I'm probably depressed. There are always distractions, but mine are usually health related rather than exciting trips.

  3. I hate to break it to you, but I have more time and still don't achieve all that I want to - sorry!! #PoCoLo

