Thursday, 22 February 2024

January 2024 - Days out in the camper van.

We made the most of January despite the weather and saw in 2024 with a colleague of mine and his friends, then decided to head off to Glastonbury for a couple of nights.

There's been lots of walking in January.

Exploring Cheddar Gorge

And plenty of picnics in the Bobster while we've dried off.

A visit to Wells Cathedral.

Before heading home.

We didn't get the opportunity to pop the roof on the Bobster due to the weather, but made sure the water tank was emptied to reduce the risk of the tank splitting if it froze and made sure the leisure battery was topped up with the lack of sunlight on the solar panels.

There was lots of flooding from the Severn and Avon so we found new routes and new places with a visit to a couple of garden centres we didn't know existed.

There were lots of video calls with our grandson in Northern Ireland and physical visits with our other grandchild who lives and hour away.

We still miss Bob the Dog so much, but the cat has taken over and is filling the gap and time more than we could have ever imagined.

I take a photo on the first of each month from the same spot to plot the changing seasons.

Both mums have been to stay with us while they've recovered from different health issues and surgery and we've made the most of days out with them also.

Mum often catches the bus to join us in Gloucester for the day where child 1 lives.

We haven't yet been into the Cathedral since we've been back in the UK.

There have been a lot of migraines and medical appointments in January. 
I was diagnosed with Bowens Disease, a skin cancer caused by over exposure to the sun from my younger days. I'm treating it at home with a topical cream. A warning to get yourself checked out.

Hereford Cathedral visit after the diagnosis.

Two nights in Glastonbury

Salisbury Cathedral.

At the moment we've been staying in Travelodges at £30 a night, we're using the Bobster for breakfast and lunches and eating in the pub for dinner.

Home via a visit in Bath

I've been reading a book a week since the start of 2023. I've only read Emma by Jane Austin.

We've visited quite a few places in February already with a fair few more places lined up till the end of April. I'll share these each month.

How was January for you? I actually prefer the wet and cold weather as there aren't as many people out, less queues and less stress and now we have the Bobster we can dry off nicely and have somewhere warm to sit while we wait for the storms to pass. 


  1. I love that you are able to do so much travelling. I need to get myself a Bobster! Sorry to hear about your medical issues, I hope they give you some peace soon

  2. Glastonbury looks amazing! It was fun joining you on your trip in your Bobster.

  3. You really are making the most of your camper van and I love it. My dad has been thinking about getting a camper van and going travelling but has decided to renew his passport and travel by plane and boat. lol Fantastic photos from your travels.

    1. I've had more than enough of flying as you can imagine

