Friday, 13 December 2024

Goodbye 2024 - Hello 2025

I'm not sure why people say they can't wait to see the back of a certain year, as if the striking of the clock shuts the lid on a box, the slate is wiped cleaned and we start over again.

On October 7th our lives changed forever, in the space of a few hours. The day started like any other, I want to work, we got a call from our daughters care team to say she was unwell. I left work at 1.30pm, we drove to Gloucester and by 8pm we were driving the 25 miles home from Gloucester Royal Hospital. Our eldest child Stephanie, aged 36, died.

Stephanie dying is prominent in our lives right now, she is our first thought every waking moment. Saying goodbye to 2024 doesn't make 2025 easier. It just marks the start of the 4th month without Stephanie.

There is however a lot to look forward to in 2025. There are 2 grandchildren due in February and April. There are trips to visit grandson in Northern Ireland lined up for the half terms and child 3 in Australia for the summer holidays.

There will be camping trips, more opportunities for travel, bonus time with family, time with friends. Bailey will be spending more time with us. There's work lined up for Peter and training opportunities for me.

2024 in photos. My One Daily Photo this year was a Selfie a Day of Peter and I, he moaned most of the year and most of the photos are of us on the sofa.

January - Bath. A visit to Jane Austin to fit in with my Reading Challenge for 2024

February - out for Stephanie's birthday

March - a trip to Northern Ireland.

April - One of many camping trips

May - the first of the BBQs

June - a trip to Paris to visit a friend

July - the garden is finally sorted

August - holiday in Turkey

September - enjoying the last of the warm weather, with days out and a new job for me

October - an unexpected visit from Jamie, it took him 40 hours to get home from Australia for Stephanie's funeral

November - Bailey came to stay

December - an early Christmas this weekend with child 2 and child 4 and their families, before we head off to Las Vegas for the end of the year.

Who knows how the next 12 months will go, sometimes we don't even know how the next 12 hours will play out.

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