Friday, 17 January 2025

17th -19th January 2025 Post Comment Love

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Bosworth.Life and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week. If you're new or a regular visitor we're sure you'll find something of interest.

January has really taken its time. It feels like there have been eleventy days each week so far. It was only just over 2 weeks ago that we got back from Las Vegas after spending Christmas over there. 

We haven't done much since we've got back. It took us over a week to recover from the jet lag.

I'm now back in work full time and it's wiped me out, it's been manic one minute then so quiet I've felt a little lost. I work in Alternative Provision with school avoiders, so it's a case of all in or none in. I have no idea who is going to be there one day to the next, then there are random drop ins, for short term support. I will admit I do love it, it keeps me on my toes.

We'd also appreciate your help spreading the #PoCoLo word on Twitter, tag us and we'll RT. You can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @BosworthLife and Suzanne - @ChickenRuby 

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the next few days. 

Want to find out more about Post Comment Love #PoCoLo? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy New Year, Suzanne! We took a blogging break over the holidays so I have some catching up to do! My brother is an admin/teacher in an alternative program for high school students and he loves it, too! It's definitely a gift to invest in and build relationships with these kids! Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead!

    1. Thank you. I look forward to reading about what you've all been up to over the holidays

  2. Suzanne, it must be difficult to get back into working full-time after a break. I'm finding it difficult to get back into blogging after a break! As Laura commented, I have some catching up to do! Thank you for hosting #PoCoLo.

    1. It's been quite nice being back in work again, surrounded by people

