Monday, 13 January 2025

2025 Week 2 - One Daily Positive and Project 365

Not a good start to the week for me. First day back in school was an inset day, it was a long day. We also found out that the student who died over Christmas had a sudden cardiac arrest and died in his sleep. He was 14, in year 10. I've known the student since I started working at the school in March 2022 in year 7 and have worked predominately with his tutor group. With Stephanie dying from a heart attack in theatre, it is too close to home for me and the students back in school on Tuesday with them already knowing about him there have been lots of questions, there has been lots of sadness. I've been able to keep myself fairly isolated in Room 19 with Alternative Provision and Tutoring now I'm back in work full-time.

The jet lag was sorted after a chat with the GP. It appears my medication wasn't helping. I'd not been sleeping well for several months, which I'd just accepted was part of grief, but the new meds can cause lack of sleep so she suggested I take them in the morning instead of at night. I slept Monday night from 9.30am through to 4am. The week just got better sleep wise

Day 6  
My 3am sleep buddy. I was awake anyway. First full day back in work, inset day, no students. I left an hour early anyway for GP appointment, then met Peter in town for coffee after I posted several parcels. Home for dinner, TV, bath and bed at 9pm.

Day 7 
I slept for a solid 6 hours. Tough day in work. First day back for students, sadly missing a year 10 who died over Christmas in his sleep from a sudden cardiac arrest. Also my first day back full time, meeting with senior team in afternoon to discuss tutoring with pupil premium students. Home to sleep, eat dinner, watch tv, video calls and bed by 8pm. Drained.

Day 8 
Had 8 hours sleep, jet lag cracked. A difficult day in work emotionally, took myself for a coffee and to read my book. Home and made a tuna pasta salad. We watched TV, had a bath and I was in bed by 9pm.

Day 9  
A good sleep. Work ok. Met Peter for coffee on his way home from shopping. Home for dinner, TV, bath and early bed for me. Feeling much more relaxed now I’m getting some proper sleep.

Day 10 
This week has felt like it’s had eleventy days in it. All planning done for next two weeks for new students who are settling in well. All I’ve got to do this weekend is sort a new wreath for the front door now the Christmas one is down, too early for spring.

Day 11 
A lie in, then off to Kenilworth Castle for the day. We popped the roof on the van and cooked soup for lunch in the car park. A walk round Leamington, then home to wash, dry and iron and watch the footie for Peter and cook dinner and batch cook for me. A bath and an early night. Didn’t get above freezing all day, but we were toasty warm and the cat has been in a fight, got a limp and feeling sorry for herself.

Day 12 
A busy day visiting friends and family in South Wales and the Forest of Dean. Home to dinner from the slow cooker, catch up with Gone Fishing, bath and bed.

On the blog this week: Gluten Free dining in Las Vegas (well the lack of)

What's made me happy this week:
Spur of the moment days out, new nails and the cat.

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  1. Oh no! That is so sad about the student who died over Christmas. Sending love and hugs.
    I am glad you got to the bottom of your sleep problems and are sleeping for longer. It does sound like a long week for you.
    Those wreaths are so pretty.

  2. Oh how awful - only 14yo, so so young.
    Glad the jet lag and sleeping seems to be fixed. Makes you wonder why they don't tell you things like when to take tablets to avoid side effects! We like Kenilworth Castle, not been for years though. Looks very eerie in the fog. Loving the spring flower wreath, the other one looks more autumnal with the colours.

    1. I was ok taking the tablets previously in the evening, prior to the jet lag. I haven't been to Kenilworth for years, so in the fog I didn't really recognise much of it.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your student who died. How awful for his family, friends and the teachers and students at college, and a big trigger for you with memories of Stephanie’s death too. Sending a virtual hug your way. I’m glad you got your jet lag sorted out and are sleeping better again now. Kenilworth Castle looks quite eerie in the mist and frost. #project365

    1. Thank you. Normal sleep pattern resumed. It was good visiting Kenilworth in the fog, although I didn't really recognise it as it had been so long since our last visit.

  4. How incredibly sad about the boy who died. What a tragedy for his family, and so difficult to cope for the class mates, and triggering for you. Big hugs.
    Glad the sleep issues have been sorted out eventually. Your sleep buddy is very cute.
    The castle ruins look atmospheric and quite eerie too. I've never visited it, but it's been on my to-see list for a long time. Maybe one day we will travel there.

    1. Let me know if you make the trip up to Kenilworth, we'll travel over also. My sleep buddy aka the cat has been very needy recently.

  5. How awful about the student, such a shock for the family, friends and staff too. Triggering for you also hope you are ok.

    1. Thank you, it has been extra hard to deal with the past few weeks.

