Monday, 27 January 2025

Week 4 2025 - One Daily Positive and Project 365

Another typical week in work. Everyday for me is thinking on my feet, new students, unexpected students, a fire alarm, false alarm but led to a full discussion about lock downs and knife attacks. Discussions how algorithms on phones direct us into one theme of discussion or one point of view and can be harmful to our mental health. I get two planning sessions a week for tutoring and I planning session a week for Alternative provision and as you can imagine, that never happens. It's so tricky planning when you never know who is coming in and as students who have missed so much schooling and from year 7-11 in at the same time it's tricky to plan for anyway. I tend to use google classrooms for maths and then run group session for English on writing techniques and context as each year group is studying Shakespeare and War poetry, we also look at how to use quotes and embed them. When it doesn't go to plan, I just abandon everything and have a break out game of UNO,  make everyone hot chocolate, crack open the biscuits and we have group discussions. The tutoring usually goes to plan as I work alongside the lessons and for years 10 and 11 we work on GCSE past papers.

I've given up for the time being trying to sort out counselling, I just can't get my head round it at the moment. My support network of friends in real life, online and over the phone is more than enough for me at the moment.

Day 20
Maths tutoring today. ‘Miss, can we do the one with the angle, triangle and the line with a letter that isn’t an a or a b, the adding not the take away?’ Typical day for me, keeps me on my toes. Afternoon at home prepping food, watching quiz shows. Bath, then soaps and report writing while Peter watched the football.

Day 21
One job I do every morning without fail is to make the bed. So much nicer at the end of the day. Today was a good day. Met Peter in town after work for coffee, sent a parcel to son in Australia, blogged and bed.

Day 22
Few challenges in work and a few breakthroughs but that’s what I love about my job. A visit to Stephanie’s home. We saw all the staff that were with us the night she died. We drank tea and shared stories of her life. It was a good evening. Home with a takeaway, bath and an early night.

Day 23
Always puts a smile on my face. It’s his daddy’s 30th birthday. Makes me feel old to have a son that age. Good day in work. Met Peter for a coffee on the way home.

Day 24
Take it as a given that every work day is manic, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. I had a cry today as it was the funeral of one of our students. Home, ate chocolate then a night out with friends, probably got a parking ticket ðŸ¤·‍♀️ latest I’ve stayed out for a while, no alcohol and clock was 2 minutes fast.

Day 25
Angel Wing bulbs from my friend, granddaughter and I planted them after Stephanie’s funeral, poking through the soil. The race is on to see if the flower for Stephanie’s birthday and before the new baby is born. Day spent with granddaughter, park and lunch out, followed by afternoon with old neighbours, then home.

Day 26
After a lie in and a slow start to the morning, we headed over to Brockhampton for a walk in the rain, a coffee and a visit to a garden centre on the way home. Dinner, Elvis movie and a 2 hour phone call with a friend.

On the blog this week: Reading Challenge - A book a week

Something to make you smile:
I was stopped from getting back in the car by these 3 sheep, they kept moving towards me and baaing loudly. I eventually got back in the car via the passengers door.

What's made me happy this week: 
Video calls with grandson and a visit with granddaughter, sons 30th birthday, a visit with friends and a visit to Brockhampton.

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  1. Work for you certainly sounds interesting with no day the same.
    That maths work confuses me, I understand triangles and numbers but when they start adding letters I am lost!
    That is lovely that you got to spend time at Stephanie's home.
    Happy belated birthday to your son! x

    1. The maths work confuses me also, I just get my head around one topic then we move onto the next grrrrrr

  2. It sounds like you've had a very busy week at work, I have a lot of similar conversations with my 13 year old as you do with the students.
    It's nice that you got to visit Stephanies home and share memories with the people there.
    I wonder what those sheep wanted from you!

    1. I always feel the students take far more in than my kids ever did. I've no idea what those sheep wanted, they were just irritated by my presence

  3. Work sounds very busy but interesting. Sorry that it’s hard to sort out counselling right now but it’s good that you have a support network around you which is helping you get through at the moment. How nice to be able to share stories of Stephanie with the staff at her care home. So important to be able to talk and share those stories and memories. Hope your son had a nice birthday. I can imagine that the day of your student’s funeral was a tough one. So very sad. Lovely to see the Angel Wing bulbs appearing. How funny that the sheep kept trying to block you from getting in the car although possibly not quite so funny at the time! #project365

    1. Honestly those sheep had me and the people in the next car chuckling. It was lovely spending time with Stephanie's carers.

  4. It sounds like you have a good support network and I’m sure visiting Stephanie’s home was difficult but at the same time nice to be able to share memories. Do share an update on the angel wing I hope it grows through in time.

    1. Granddaughter, DIL and I still think the tulips will flower first

