Friday, 7 January 2011

An update on the update to South Africa

We took all our documentation to the High Commission in December, we used an agency as we were getting nowhere on our own.
We had chest x-rays and police checks to check we were clear of TB and didn't have a criminal record. Bit of an effing cheek if you ask me, considering where we are going. We did a last minute dash the night before, armed with a bottle of Whiskey to our friends who is a Doctor to sign a form we forgot to say we were of sound mind and body, made applications and paid deposits to the new school and were told to come back today on the 7th January to collect the visas.

All our furniture was removed from the house on Christmas eve, we've been living with decorators ready to rent the house out, had gas and electricity safety checks carried out and the window cleaners, house and carpet cleaners are booked to come in next week, and my oven looks better than new.

We had a tenant lined up for January the 14th, 6 months deposit paid up front and by the way can we move in our 5 cats and 1 dog, oh and can we can't pay the 6 months up front now....agents checked with previous landlord and although they cleared credit checks, they had been given notice to quit their previous place. So we said no thanks. But then she came back with 'can I put the tenancy agreement in my Mother and Sisters name?' looks like they were subletting. It was Husband and wife plus 2 kids, plus mother and sister and boyfriend with 5 cats and 1 dog...lucky now back looking for new tenants.

Oh and don't forget the saga of the car. Only £1,000 to take it. Came back to us on Tuesday to say actually it's £1,500 then let us know yesterday that we need export and import certificates, vehicle has to have certificate of steam cleaning, 3 independent valuations, original receipt for purchase...Fuck too much to do so on Sunday I will take the car to my parents and they can sell the dam thing for me.

Despite paying the deposits and 2 years school fees up front, the school, which was closed from 4th January till yesterday came back to say we have a place for Dan but not Alex, so can he sit an exam to see if he'll cope moving up a year, doubtful, he's dyslexic and it affects reading, writing and comprehension. Kids aren't in school at the moment so contacted his old school which doesn't go back till Monday and they arranged for him to sit the exam today and emailed it back to South Africa, which will be marked on Monday.

So, when do we get our visas?

We go to the High Commission on Wednesday with the paperwork, assuming he passes the exam (had a quick sneak at the paper, it was testing his literacy and numeracy, we ignored the Afrikaans bit, I'm fairly sure he'll pass) And we wait....maybe 4 hrs, maybe the following day, maybe a week or more, but at least we'll know for defiant when the visa is ready for collection.

In the meantime, I have one more trip to the tip, neighbour has taken the rest of the stuff for charity, valet the car, pick Steph up for one last visit and meet Hubby in Bath to see MIL, as friends are taking the dining room table and chairs back to her. Sunday off to my parents with the car then we drive in convoy (ex husband is bringing the kids and their luggage) to the company flat in Manchester, hubby is off to Dublin for 2 days with work and we have a hotel booked in Reading where my son works so we can have one last visit with him after we've been to the High Commission, then back to Manchester maybe for a week, maybe just one night.

I promise as soon as we get those bloody visas, I shall be telling the world in one simple tweet.
