Sunday, 3 April 2011

Me time

Despite it NOT being Mothers' Day in South Africa until May, my family have decided to have it today as they were aware that as I had sent flowers to both sets of parents in the UK, I should also be spoilt.

'Me time' today has been spent potting my tomato plants, listening to music, baking cakes and hand sewing some curtains.

I love 'Me time'..Peter on the golf course, Dan on his xbox and Alex out with his friends....can't get enough of it.......

But I've had too much 'Me time' recently and it has got me down.....

I used to have a full time job, which was demanding and often involved late night working and nights away, I was studying for my degree and screaming out for time to read and write an assignment...I used to crave 'Me time', scream and shout to get evening off a week to watch TV undisturbed, or a sunday afternoon, even if it was just to do the ironing.

Now I have 'Me time' all day every day and nothing to motivate me, keep me going, grab my attention, give me an idea for something.

And yet today, I'm enjoying my 'Me time' cos for the first time since we've been here...I feel normal, I feel I have a routine....Peter on the golf course, Dan on his xbox and Alex out with his friends...

So on Monday I'm going to get dressed the same time as everyone else, I'm going to work and study downstairs and come up for a drink and a snack when required, a change is as good as a rest and I'm going to make the most of it. It's half term on Friday (month off school) family are coming to visit in June and July. The two year restriction on my Visa to work will be over as quick as anything and I'll be craving my 'Me time' again.
