Saturday, 30 May 2015

Week 22 -Project 365 Dealing with back pain

This has been a very difficult and long week and the thought of the next two weeks is getting me down also.

I'm still in chronic pain with my back and no idea how long it's going to take to get better. I'm either in bed, lying down watching you tube and reading or I'm on my feet, walking around. Anything else has me in tears with the pain. Prior to injuring my back I was feeling depressed again, lonely, isolated 6 months into our relocation to Dubai.

Hubby flew to Turkey on Day 144 returning on Day 147 and today at 5.30am he left the house for 2 weeks in the States.

I'm struggling with my self imposed #OneDailyPositive and have drifted into a routine that as long as the post isn't negative for the day I don't need to give a positive but I will struggle this week as I probably won't go out other than to the physio as I'm too worried that if something happens to me there is no one to call for assistance, mind you the same applies for in the home.

I ended up spending the week job hunting and looking to finish my degree in Psychology that I have less than a year to complete. I'm preparing myself now for when we return to the UK (no date yet) so I can hopefully pick up my old life, the one where I had a career and I had an identity that wasn't just someones wife and a 'Stay at Home'

I had some lovely responses to Day 145 in the fmsphotoaday face book group and met up with one woman for a coffee and another next week for lunch. The week ended on a high with both Friday and Saturday spent out in the desert meeting people in a dog socialising group at the lakes.

Day 144 #onedailypositive #RuleOfThirds #fmsphotoaday #texture #snaphappybritmums #project364

My 'rule of thirds' is '1 for you, 2 for me'

Day 145 #onedailypositive #lucky #fmsphotoaday #warning #snaphappybritmums #project365

Let this serve as a warning to the next person who tells me I'm lucky to:
a) be an expat and live in a hot country
b) not have my kids at home anymore
c) not have to work
d) be a lady of leisure

I can't work, continue with my studies, see my kids regularly. It's too hot to be out and about and I don't have the money to be a lady of leisure other than just sit at home with the air con on all day. 

Day 146 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎DailyRitual‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎fruit‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

I find spending so much time on my own that I either forget to eat or just eat crap as it's quicker to open a bag of crisps than make a sandwich. So I now have a daily ritual of every morning after watering the plants of sitting down and eating some fruit with yogurt and granola which keeps me going through the day

Day 147 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎borrowed‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎door‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

My 4yo niece fell over yesterday and smacked her face on the concrete, I wanted to buy her a get better quickly present but before I post it I #borrowed the fairy #door for today's photo prompts.

Day 148 #onedailypositive #pink #fmsphotoaday #sweet #snaphappybritmums #project365

Keeping up with the #dailyritual of eating fruit everyday, I bought this white (#pink) dragon fruit for today's breakfast, its wasn't actually that sweet.

Day 149 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎StartsWithS‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎stripes‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

Take your pick ‪#‎sand‬ ‪#‎sea‬ ‪#‎sandals‬‪#‎shells‬ ‪#‎sky‬ ‪#‎sail‬ ‪#‎sun‬ but not a stripe in sight

Day 150 #onedailypositive #OverThere #fmsphotoaday#BBQ #snaphappybritmums #project365 

Out in the desert in #dubai with Bob at the lakes. Over There looks like a perfect spot to picnic. No BBQ, it's too hot and windy for that.


  1. People are weird, always thinking that the grass is always greener, cept on your side of the fence the grass is none existent let alone greener. I am really sorry that this move is not working out for you and it must be difficult to apply for jobs when you are in too mush pain to think straight......sending you hugs.
    love you today is crap idea,,,,,,and have to say have never seen a dragon fruit, love the colours and texture of it, makes me think kiwi fruit.
    It is easier to grab crisps and crap when you have nobody else to feed, and I would not cook in that heat either.

    1. thank you so much Elaine for your lovely comment, we do have some grass around, you can tell who has money to throw away on watering around here, the dragon fruit did have a texture of kiwi fruit, but sadly very little taste, its just a water carrier, like a melon. Ive spent the afternoon cooking and stocking up the freezer

  2. So sorry to hear you are having such a bad time with your back! Hope you feel better soon.

    Love that fairy door, your niece will love it!!

    1. thank you, i showed my niece her fair door on Skype but unfortunately there is little concept about the time delay in it arriving back in the UK

  3. I'm sorry to read this Suzanne, I do know how isolating it can be, and really sympathise with your bad week. Hope things pick up and your back gets better soon. I've never seen a dragon fruit, wow!

    1. Thank you Sara, it is a difficult time moving just in itself, but so far and so different is another struggle, the dragon fruit was very bland

  4. It sounds like you are going through a rough time, I hope things get better for you soon. Chocolate biscuits always help don't they x

    1. thank you, I've now restocked the chocolates and sweets to start again this week

  5. Hope the back improves soon, and lets you get out and do more, so get back socialising.

    Strangely, I wanted to buy a dragonfruit the other day, but couldn't find one in the supermarkets. Will have to keep a watch out.

    1. well I'm out and about this week as hubby is away so I've not had much choice esp with walking the dog and I'm a lot better now. The dragon fruit wasn't actually that nice, looks good, but little taste

  6. Sorry to hear you're having a bad time with your back :( Love the beach/sandals shot. I've never had a dragon fruit! #project365

    1. thank you, my back is almost better but i have a 14 hour flight tomorrow which I'm sure won't be helping

