Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week 18 Project 365

It's been a very busy week travelling around South Wales and Gloucestershire visiting family and friends, ending up in St. Albans this afternoon with a stop over at Kings Cross to meet an old school friend I haven't seen for 20 years. It's also been an emotional week with endless goodbyes. 

I was disappointed to discover there were no Britmums photo a day prompts for May and the Project 365 group I joined is coming to an end. As you can see from the hashtags I've been combining the photo prompts from Britmums and FMSPhotoaday and adding One Daily Positive and a weekly blog post with project 365.

I think I'll carry on with the prompts as and when they get posted and carry on with the weekly round up and post wherever I am welcomed.

Day 116 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎4oclock‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎brilliant ‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬
At 4pm enjoying a drive through the English Countryside enjoying the brilliant colours of nature

Day 117 #onedailypositive #InMyBedroom #fmsphotoaday #LookUp #snaphappybritmums #project365
I'm not in my bedroom, I'm at my parents house in the UK this week after a family wedding and visiting my children.

Day 118 #onedailypositive #prepare #fmsphotoaday #purple #snaphappybritmums #project365
I'm spending the morning with my niece, we're having a princess day at the local garden centre, one of her favourite places to visit, she is wearing her princess dress and I'm wearing my pink tutu. But before we go, apart from having a shower and paying yet more bills, I have some post cards to write and I've wasted the last hour looking for my purple pen for the photo prompt to prepare to write the cards.

Day  119 #onedailypositive #IWalkedHere #fmsphotoaday #SoWhat #snaphappybritmums #project365
I walked here today, it's somewhere I've walked often over the bridge In Monmouth, in fact I still remember the days when you could drive over it, it nows means it's a long drive round to reach my mum and dads house from the town, but so what, by closing it to traffic means it remains, the bridge stands for a good few more years.

Day 120 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎need‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎ok‬ ‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬‪#‎project365‬

I NEED this, time with my niece, great nephew and of course my children. However after a whole day of being princesses, making a shell garden, decorating a princess castle and being run ragged I'm OK now to return to Dubai next week.

Day 121 #onedailypositive #want #fmsphotoaday ????? #snaphappybritmums #project365

I WANT to not feel so sad when I drop my son at school and drive off knowing I won't see him again till July. But on a positive he's happy and just about to sit his GCSE's. 

Day 122 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎FacelessSelfPortrait‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ????? ‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

My son aged 16 grows so quickly inbetween visits, he seems have changed since I last saw him in ‪#‎dubai‬ 3 weeks ago. Mums rule is when we say goodbye we have a ‪#‎selfie‬ but he decided I'd already taken enough pictures of him on this trip.


  1. Safe travels back to Dubai. It looks like you've had a lovely week catching up. Love the photo of you with your niece :)

  2. Looks like it was a good visit, and nice for you to be able to see your son before he starts his exams.

    1. after 3 older kids I'm so glad I've been spared the GCSE revision this time

  3. Wishing you a safe journey! Playing princesses and wearing a tutu sounds like a great fun! No tutus for me, as I have two boys.

    1. i have 4 boys, i highly recommend adopting a 'niece' it's such fun and so different from having boys

  4. Sounds like you've had a lovely week with your family. Hope the trip back to Dubai was okay. Love the photo of the bridge x

    1. good flight home and had a great time with the kids

  5. Wasn't expecting to see so much green in your pictures. Sounds like you had a lovely week in the UK. That bridge in Monmouth is pretty - been a while since I explored the town, so must take the chance next time I'm down that way.

    1. iw as rather excited to see so much green in the UK rather than the beigness of dubai

  6. Sounds like a good week! Children can certainly run you ragged! Hope you had a good trip back to Dubai. We had a 3 hour stop over in Dubai, hoping to holiday there soon!

    1. you must come and visit, it is amazing here

  7. Having had boys myself and 2 grandsons I don't think I'd do well at playing princesses. :)
    It must be difficult leaving your son behind in the UK.

    1. it sure was hard leaving him behind, the beauty with nieces and family friends being girls i can just visit the princess world and go back to the football one I'm more comfortable with

