Saturday 6 June 2015

Week 23 - Project 365

It's been a much better week health wise, my back is almost better compared to this time last week, but it's still not 100%. I find driving is ok, but I'm in discomfort afterwards, as is sitting down. Bending down to lift anything is still not possible and I've been advised not to. I've been swimming in the sea every night this week. It's really strange to enter the water when it's the same temperature as the air. There's no way to cool down at all in Dubai so I visited the ski dome, on Saturday, not for skiing mind, just to have some coldness.

The temperature in the UAE topped 50c this week, making it the hottest place in the world and you don't half know it. Think sitting in front of your oven, full blast and door open, then add a hairdryer on full blast to your face and you'll experience what it's like here.

I've also been on my own all week, with hubby in the States, he's not back till next weekend and with child 4 of 5 in South Africa I'm juggling 4 different timezones with communication, hubby is a day behind me right now and in less than 2 weeks I'll be in Canada and the timezones will be reversed. Son is 2 hours behind Dubai and the rest of the family in the UK are 3 hours behind. I need one of those airport clocks.

Day 151 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎HaHaHa‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎IWant‬‪ #‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

I want something different to eat other than salad and oh how I've laughed at my stupidity stood in the kitchen cooking 2 portions for 2 of beef strog and Mexican stew for the freezer to heat up and serve with rice and 1 portion of sweet chili chicken for tomorrow's dinner, it's 44c outside and I've spent the afternoon quite literally slaving over a hot stove with the air con blasting on the back of my neck.

Day 152 #onedailypositive #many #fmsphotoaday#OpenWindow #snaphappybritmums #project365
Many windows on the roof of @OasisMallDubai there appears to be some kind of crank/handle that might just open window(s)

Day 153 #onedailypositive #lookingup #fmsphotoaday #mixupyourmenu #snaphappybritmums #project365
This photo was taken yesterday of the plane my son was in as he left Dubai for South Africa. He will be stopping over in Dubai next week for 4 days so things are looking up in more ways than one.

Day 154 #onedailypositive #silly #fmsphotoaday #garden #snaphappybritmums #project365

It would be #silly to sit in the #garden today, it's not much cooler when the sun goes down either.

Day 155 #onedailypositive #StartsWithB #fmsphotoaday #DaysOut #snaphappybritmums #project365

Well there aren't many days out in Dubai in the summer. This is our first summer living here and wow it is hot, in fact the UAE has been the hottest place in the world the last few days. I do of course go out, a lot of expats leave the UAE for summer but we don't have the luxury of being able to afford 2 homes. Hubby is away in the States so he's having a couple of weeks respite and I'm off to Canada on the 17th for 3 weeks. Apart from walking round malls my 'outdoor' time is restricted to early mornings and late evenings. So not technically a #DayOut on the Beach, but if you add up an hour every evening this week, I've had the equivilant and it's just as good on the beach after sunset.

Day 156 #onedailypositive #LookingDown #fmsphotoaday #abstract #snaphappybritmums #project365

Looking Down I see water, I'm in the desert in the UAE, some 60kms outside of Dubai. Although not entirely abstract as there is actually a lake here, the concept of putting a lake out in the desert shows that anything is possible when you have enough money.

Day 157 #onedailypositive #WhoIAm #fmsphotoaday #TreeInBloom #snaphappybritmums #project365

I've been struggling with my identity since relocating from the UK to South Africa and to Dubai 6 months ago. This is my family tree, not only does it tell you where I came from but also, Who I Am.
I can trace back on both sides to my Great Great Great Grandparents with the earliest recorded birth as 1770. Unfortunately a lot of children died very young. The only recorded divorces, that I know of are me and my sister and 1 cousin. Children born out of wedlock were for me and 2 cousins, plus one aunt who divorced pre children. There are stories of many more children and divorces, but I guess I may never find that out.


  1. Oh yum that looks absolutely scrumptious. I have no idea how you are surviving in that 50 degrees though, hope it cools down a bit so it's more bearable x

    1. the temps have dropped back to normal now, still mid 40's but much more manageable esp at night

  2. I still can't get over the heat! Though now that I'm in single digit temps I'm yearning for some warmth . We can't have it all!!

    Glad your back is better but now you need to be careful when you travel with the luggage lifting. Maybe request for assisted passenger service. I used it once and I have to say I loved it.

    And you probably need to have a wall of clocks to keep up with the time zones!!!

    1. i can equate the heat to a South African winter, in the same way as you're struggling to keep warm, i'm struggling to keep cool, neither way is pleasant

  3. wow I barely survive in UK temps so I'd really struggle out there. Glad your back is getting better. xx

    1. back was getting better but I've done too much driving and all the housework today

  4. I don't know how you bear the heat! I like a nice warm day - about 24 degrees! I find it too hot at 28 degrees! You've done really well with your family tree and at least you've got an escape to Canada to look forward to!

    1. been cooler last few days only in the high 30's low. have some big troubles getting info out the family for the next generations down, i.e. cousins marriages, births and their grandkids, no one is really that interested

  5. OMG that heat would kill me - how do you manage?

    1. a lot of it is mind over matter and very slowly

  6. I love your description of how hot it is! I think I would spend all my time in the 'ski' dome and scuba diving to escape it. You must be looking forward to your son visiting.

    1. very excited that son arrives tomorrow night

  7. family histories are a great thing to delve into, but occasionally skeletons pop up, thats a good long way back you have been.
    Sorry to read it is unbearably hot, at least with hubby away you dont have to share a bed so nobody else to heat you up at night. I don't do heat- 18oC is about bearable for me, much more and I struggle.
    H0pe you enjoy your sons visit.

    1. the skeletons have been around a long time, the problem i'm having is persuading the generation below me to give me the names and dates of their kids

  8. 50 degrees!! Wow, I can't even imagine how hot that must be. It's still chilly here in West Wales!! A lake in the desert? Can't even imagine how that works! Glad you're feeling a little better. Kaz x x

    1. thank you Kaz, with enough money, just about anything is possible in Dubai

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Crikey I thought it was hot in Oz (39 degrees), I can't imagine 50!!
    I love the window shot, looks like a giant umbrella!

    1. the temperatures have dropped back to around 40c and it's much more bearable now

  11. I was in Pakistan in March when the temperature was hitting 30's and I was struggling! Glad you are feeling better

    1. thank you, the heat seems to have settled now around the low 40's it is getting better, but I'm so looking forward to winter

  12. That is so hot, I would never go outside! I love you have been looking into your family tree, my mum has always wanted to do this. I should find the time to try and help her x

    1. the family tree was complete to my parents generation then gaping holes downwards, I'm trying to fill the gaps with cousins dates of birth, their kids and in some cases grandkids, but sadly not too many seem that interested

