Monday, 29 June 2015

Week 26 - My Sunday Photo

Here I am, another coffee, in yet another mall, in yet another country.

All this travel is getting tiring and somewhat boring. Going new places and meeting new people isn't boring in itself, but the actual flights and journeys are tedious and when you arrive in a new country, everything is all too familiar these days.

As a family we've travelled all over Europe and into Scandinavia, explored the West Coast of America, visited Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt and finally ended up living abroad, first in South Africa and now Dubai. We've travelled just the two of us, with a combination of up to all 5 of our children and we've travelled separately, either to visit family, experience new places or with work.

I'm currently visiting Canada on my own, the kids are in the UK, hubby is back in Dubai. Everything looks familiar. I have no idea these days as to what companies originated in what country.

There are coffee shops, stores and fast food restaurants that I've shopped at, in the UK, South Africa, Dubai and now here in Canada. I'm tired of living my life indoors, in malls. In South Africa one shops in the malls due to safety, in Dubai it's because of the heat.

I've visited a few little towns during my stay in Canada. The City of Hamilton itself is lovely to walk around, old buildings, churches and museums with open spaces, parks and a gorgeous walk down James Street filled with individual shops, selling fruit and veg, clothing and antiques as well as quirky art pieces and non chain coffee shops.

I had lunch and the edge of Lake Erie, explored a small part of Lake Ontario and next weekend I'm off camping in Algonquin, a 4 hour drive north east of Hamilton. I'm looking forward to being in the middle of nowhere, away from Tim Hortons and exploring a part of Canada that not a lot of foreign tourists will get to experience.


  1. Canada sounds amazing. I find it enjoyable to explore different places rather that the regular places such as the shops as often them seem the same in every country.

    Have fun camping.

    Thank you for linking up

    1. camping begins in a couple of days, very excited to be going. Try to avoid the mall shops as much as possible, but it can be difficult when looking to fill up your days

  2. The Mother says - Canada is such a beautiful place to visit. I have family in Vancouver and it is stunning. Enjoy the travelling :)

  3. Its really nice to have the freedom to go out and walk! Looks like you are having lots of fun in Canada =) #mysundayphoto

  4. Enjoy camping. I hear you on the malls - different but same same. It gets boring. What I live about visiting new places is exploring and discovering hidden gems

