Saturday, 22 August 2015

Week 34 - Project 365

I've gone into full charity mode this week, in preparation for my trip to South Africa in October and November this year. if you'd like to make a donation to the various projects I'm working on please click here. i'm raising funds for education and poverty in Pretoria and surrounding areas. there are several links in this post from camping in a township and managing your period without sanitary wear. 

The week started with taking hubby to the airport at 5am for his flight to Istanbul for week, he'll be back on Friday. I hate airport runs. I had a coffee while I waited for the sun to rise then headed off to the beach for a breakfast picnic, went back to bed for a few hours and then to Mercato Mall late afternoon for another coffee and some shopping to make home made dog treats for Bob. On my way home I went back to the beach to get todays photo prompt.

Day 228 #onedailypositive #shadow #fmsphotoaday #FromAbove #snaphappybritmums #project365 #50DaysOfSummer
A quick hoover and mop and off to Arabian Centre for expat coffee morning, followed by a trip out to Arjman to visit kennels and cattery for when hubby and I are in the UK next month. After getting a little lost, I called in at Dubai Mall to do some shopping and meet up with a St Albans tweeter and his family. After getting home at 8pm, I cooked dinner, walked the dog and watered the flowers, getting to bed around midnight. I'm supporting Dignity Dreams with their project to support young girls and help them stay in education with Reusable Sanitary Wear.

Day 229 #onedailypositive #inside #fmsphotoaday #borrowed #snaphappybritmums #project365 #50DaysOfSummer
Inside this room is a 16 yo teenager I've borrowed from boarding school in the UK for the summer holidays.

A day mostly spent at home today, the plan was to prepare paperwork for hubbies tax forms for the UK. I spent the day in bed, asleep. I woke at 9am had porridge for breakfast, back to bed, made bacon buttes at midday, back to bed and slept till 4pm. After cooking dinner I popped out to the beach to watch the sunset and get this photo for todays prompts. Called in at Starbucks for a latte and wrote some letters. Walked the dog, watered the plants and avoided the bedroom until I was ready to go to sleep. Todays blog post was about the healthy dog treats I baked on Sunday. i'm hoping they are a success on Friday at the lakes so I can take some orders and raise funds for South Africa.

Day 230 #onedailypositive #ALogo #fmsphotoaday #Silhouette #snaphappybritmums #project365 #50DaysOfSummer

I made a decision to get up, shower, dress and get ready for the day, rather than lounge around like yesterday. I went for a coffee and posted some letters. A little bit of sewing, blogging, reading and preparing the garden for autumn today. I went to the beach for a walk early evening and then walked the dog and watered the plants, an early night. it's a shame dogs are banned on the beach, I try to go down most evenings, but if I could take Bob I'm sure I'd be living down there every evening.

Day 231 #onedailypositive #hat #fmsphotoaday #Summer2015 #snaphappybritmums #project365 This is the last day of #50DaysOfSummer, I'm a little annoyed in not realising that this didn't replace July and Augusts photo prompts, so I'm a few short for the rest of the month, but I've been given 12 more by face book friends to take me up till September.

It's GCSE results day for the 16 yo, the last of our 5 kids to go through this process. I'm afraid re sits are required alongside his A levels, we'll find out more when we go to the school next month. This changed all our plans for the day so I started packing for my trip to the UK. I'm really looking forward to having a holiday with hubby, it's been a long time since we went away together, today's post was a trip I took up to Kruger National Park last June to support Pastor Jonny with his fundraising for a school and an orphanage.

Day 232 #onedailypositive #surprise #fmsphotoaday #pink #snaphappybritmums #project365
I'll be back in the UK just in time for my 4 yo niece to start school.

Hubby arrived home around 3am from his week in Istanbul, I did wake but fell back asleep before setting off on my own with Bob to the lakes in the desert. I ended up at the airport anyway as hubby left his I pad on the plane (not for the first time) I had planned to get started on the Jobs in the garden getting ready for autumn, but it's been to hot and most of the day was spent sleeping to avoid the heat and still not feeling 100%.

Day 233 #onedailypositive #MIsFor #fmsphotoaday #blue #snaphappybritmums #project365
Memories for the 16 yo of our time living in South Africa, due to the new regulations on travelling with children we won't be taking him back for a visit until he is 18. We bought this in the supermarket in Dubai.


Took hubby and Bob for a drive to Ajman to see the kennels and cattery in the morning. Spent the afternoon watching the football, chilling out and generally eating loads of crap.

Day 234 #onedailypositive #path #fmsphotoaday #cup #snaphappybritmums #project365.

I'm not looking forward to next week as the teen returns to the UK on Wednesday and I'll be back to an empty house, but it won't be for long as I'll be flying into Birmingham 12 days later.


  1. some stunning view you've managed to capture this week, love the shot of the door, my eldest isn't quite a teenager yet but she can quite often be found lurking in her room x

    1. I rather enjoy a closed door, can't see the mess therefore it doesn't exist

  2. Hope the resits go well. It can be tough to perform in exams especially with dyslexia. I bet your niece will love that pink princess stuff.

    1. My sister made the mistake of telling my niece i had presents for her and would see her soon, she's gone into full loon mode now

  3. Sorry about the GCSE results but sometimes a resit is the best thing ever. We're currently trying to persuade the OHs niece of this very thing :)

    1. at the moment we're facing resistance as the resist clash with his A level options

  4. Oh dear at needing to do the resits, exams can be difficult.
    Love the door knob and the sentence that goes with it, we do moan about them making a mess but it really is nice to have them around despite the mess.
    It is 25 oC here today and I am melting, could not cope with your temperatures.

    1. at the stage now where it's almost winter and i'm getting rather excited about it

  5. Shame to hear about the resits - mine did them this year and got exactly the same result as last time. Love the sunset photo x

    1. i bet that was painful, will they get the chance to sit them again?

  6. I love the door handle photograph - I hope he came out of his room at some point over the week! Looks like you've had some beautiful weather and good days at the beach. Sorry to hear about the re-sits :( Sounds like you're taking in in your stride though. Best of luck to him. Have a wonderful holiday! x

    1. Thank you, he did come out of his room and join us for a few trips

  7. haven't been able to get on the beach as much as I'd have liked, can't wait for winter

