Saturday, 14 May 2016

Week 19 One Daily Positive, Project 366 and SnapHappyBritMums

What can I say about this week? Bob is ill, Peter has been away, work has been ok this week, so that's a positive. The weather is too hot, I've woken up at the end of the week with what appears to be the flu and next week isn't looking any different other than Peter isn't away, but he's working late every evening. I really should just 'snap out of it' and accept my lot in life, I've a trip to the UK coming soon, reduced working hours during Ramadan, money in the bank, my health (apart from the flu) a loving husband and a wonderful family that live 3000 miles and a 7 hour flight away. I won't get to see child 4 of 5 on the UK trip as he'll be in the Falklands.

On the blog this week:
#MySundayPhoto Bob
#AnimalTales It's all about the cat
#HDYGG Township Gardening in South Africa
#PoCoLo Positives about expat life
#Photalife Dog walking in the desert

Sunday Day 129 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ ‪#‎WhatMakesMeSmile‬ ‪#‎May ‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ Bob has made me smile this evening. His‪#‎ConeOfShame‬ is secured with his collar, so when I clipped his lead on to take him for a walk tonight he couldn't see where he was going as it lifted his head up. But his tail is still wagging, he's eating and peeing and trying to follow me round the house stopping to stare at the walls he bumps into until I move him along.

Monday Day 130 #onedailypositive #project366 #Blue #May#snaphappybritmums it's been cloudy in Dubai today, no sign of the usual blue skies, but I'm grateful for the respite. Yesterday the temp in my car after work at 3.30pm was 47c, on my arrival home the air con was on full blast set at max 30c. In the UK today people are complaining about it being 26c, our minimum temps in #Dubai are higher than that. I guess it's all relative, was just a welcome break from the direct sunlight today.

Tuesday Day 131 #onedailypositive #project366 #father #May#snaphappybritmums my dads Father's Day gifts and card were sent back to the UK in January with one of the kids. When you live abroad you really do have to plan that far in advance, shame, the kids won't think that far ahead, but it's ok, we still love them.

Wednesday Day 132 #onedailypositive #project366 #symmetry #may #snaphappybritmums which ever way you look at it, it's the same. Work all day and work all evening. I really need to get on top of my game. Maybe I'm trying to hard, I'm only 2 weeks behind with evidencing the children's work and updating the tracking sheets, but it's too easy to fall behind and I don't do stress very well.

Thursday Day 133 #onedailypositive #project366 #flowers #may #snaphappybritmums it's the weekend in Dubai, I had my nails done and bought myself some flowers for the photo prompt, I was going to add it's been a long week, but every week feels like this now I'm back in work.

Friday Day 134 #onedailypositive #project366 #friends#may #snaphappybritmums we actually had a real person in our house yesterday, a colleagues of Peter's. Otherwise Peter and I are our own friends, with these two to keep us company and get us out the house.

Saturday Day 135 #onedailypositive #project366 #blog #may#snaphappybritmums I love my blog and social media name 'Chickenruby' it's about real life as an #expat #parenting #teens #specialneeds #charity #travel #education I'm not sponsored for my travel or to write any posts. I write about my experiences, adventures, thoughts and feelings. I try to inject a bit of humour into posts from time to time, I enjoy adding photos and I don't try to be or claim I'm anything else other than just a real person, living life day to day. I'm getting fed up with certain bloggers claiming to be experts in fields such as parenting and travel. How the hell does writing a sponsored post about an all inclusive, paid for holiday, give any advise to families traveling with children, or how does reviewing endless baby/kids stuff make one an expert on parenting? What these bloggers actually are, are walking bill boards. Advertising products that the average reader can't afford to buy, leaving some of them feeling inadequate and possibly getting into debt to provide these experiences and items for their children. Get real people please.


  1. Love your comment at the end. Controversial maybe, but there are far too many bloggers claiming to be 'experts' on stuff just because they're getting paid to write something. I have no problem with people making money off their blogs or reviewing stuff if it makes them happy, but I won't be reading it! I also don't want to read their tweets or look at their IG posts where they claim to be experts! They are all only experts at their own life, their advice won't necessarily be relevant to anyone else.
    Love the photo of Bob 'flying'.

    1. Yes what you say, Sarah. It's only when they state 'expert' or imply that I get annoyed

  2. I review stuff that is sent to me and even stuff that I have purchased but I wouldn't claim to be an expert. And have never claimed to be a parenting expert. At the moment I am reviewing Ramadan children's books but that is more to help parents find ramadan books. And they are well received and the posts are read by people.

    But I do get where you are coming from.

    1. I've been enjoying your Ramadan book reviews as I teach in an Arabic School

  3. Laughed at the real person comment....poor fellow hope he appreciates being real
    Nice to see Bob improve over the week.
    Love your forward planing but wonder how you get a shop stocking Father's Day cards back in Jan?
    I like to read some reviews if they are relevant to me and mine, and if they strike a note will even comment on them.

    1. i do read reviews that are of interest to me, but it's when bloggers claim to be experts i get annoyed

