Sunday, 29 May 2016

Week 21 - One daily Positive, Project366 and SnapHappyBritMums

I've been rather neglecting my blog recently, I have a ton of lovely comments I want to respond to and 2 weeks worth of links I need to visit, read and comment on also. I've 2 months of travel to look forward to in July and August to visit family and friends and I've already packed my case for South Africa despite not flying till July 2nd.

I think we've accepted the relentless heat, it's been our only topic of conversation this week 'I can't it's too hot' Although we did manage to spend Friday morning on the beach with Bob, with thanks to shower facilities, shade and plenty to drink.

Peter and I have been doing much more in the evenings now as we're hurtling towards Ramadan and the end of the school year, things haven't slowed down with work, I've just caught up and over taken. I'm looking forward to my first full year of teaching after a break of 5 years in September, I feel I've got back into the swing of things now. You can see this by the fact I've managed a full week of photo prompts without a picture of the cat or dog or taking a snap of my dinner to fill the gap at the last minute.

On the blog this week:
#MySundayPhoto  Getting ready for Ramadan
#AnimalTales Bob is feeling much better now
#HDYGG and #PoCoLo I've been preparing the garden for the summer months when I'm travelling.

Sunday Day 143 #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #ISpy #may #SnapHappyBritMums I spy the @burjkhalifa from my front door step.

Monday Day 144 #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #pattern #may #SnapHappyBritMums my summer wardrobe, it's summer clothing all year round in Dubai, adding a pashmina and jacket in December. Which means everything in my wardrobe gets worn all the time.

Tuesday Day 145 #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #new #may#SnapHappyBritMums sadly rather looking forward to using my new pens #stationery I've 27 end of year reports and 27 pupil passports to write, although they'll end up being typed I find it easy to physically write them.

Wednesday Day 146 #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #Really!#may #SnapHappyBritMums home from work early after a child threw up on me, it gets so hot during the day that the air con was on full blast trying to cool the house DOWN to 30c. #summerindubai #summer#dubai #dubailife

Thursday Day 147 Day #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #car #may#SnapHappyBritMums along with deck chairs, a tent and the breakfast picnic, this lot is ready to go in the car tomorrow for our first beach trip with Bob in#Dubai. #dog #pets #dogsindubai #dogsofinstagram #dog
Friday Day 148 #OneDailyPositive #Project366#bibs #may #SnapHappyBritMumson the day of the#bibs2016 I shall be having afternoon tea at the @burjalarab celebrating my 45th birthday#burjalarab #skyviewbar

Saturday Day 149 #OneDailyPositive #Project366 #alive #may#SnapHappyBritMums we've had a great weekend, took #BobTheDog to the beach yesterday followed by shopping in the evening @thedubaimall Today Peter cooked breakfast, bought me chocolate and flowers and after a lazy day at home we popped out for coffee, he cooked dinner and we're sitting down now to watch a movie.


  1. Glad to hear you're getting on top of your work now. I would have been very stressed if a child had thrown up on me! Staying on top of blog comments is hard work! I hate it if I don't respond to comments on my own blog and I always like to visit my favourite blogs regularly, but sometimes life gets too busy!

    1. last blog comments to catch up with now off to visit some new people's blogs who left comments this month

  2. Glad you are nicely settled into the job now. Love the idea of your afternoon tea treat. I went out for lunch

  3. It's good news that you feel so positive about your life now, and that you've settled at your teaching job. Good luck with writing all those end of year reports.

    1. thank you, i'm just proof reading them all now

  4. Nice to read you are in a happier place now with things settling down.
    I would imagine you need a lot of lightweight clothes as in that heat I would be changing every few hours.
    Packed all ready, good grief woman......

    1. yep all packed, it's winter in SA so i don't wear those clothes here

  5. Glad you're feeling more positive. Love that mug :) I'm always behind with blog commenting...!!

    1. wondering if anyone ever reads the replies

  6. sounds like you are enjoying life better now, which is lovely to read. I really do not know how you manage a real life in that heat - I can cope for a holiday but i know i would struggle every day doing my every day jobs. I love the saying on that mug! x

