Saturday, 6 May 2017

One Daily Positive Week 18 Still on holiday

I've decided to continue with the holiday theme for the week while child 3/5 and his girlfriend, 3a, visit.

Despite travelling since 27th March I don't actually feel like I've had a holiday or even a rest. I've been walking Bob before 8am every morning as it's starting to get too hot to be outside during the day and Peter walks him around 8pm. I've split the day into 2. I spend the morning with some quick household chores, blogging and sorting out emails and photo's and go out for a coffee and the afternoons having a nap and watching TV, then the early evenings getting dinner ready (mainly salads) some ironing and washing up or going out for something to eat.

I've been following up on a few issues, cancelled flight, damaged case, deposit refund for car hire x 2, mobile phone, child 5's flight for Witsun and his applications for apprenticeships, upcoming job interview and police checks, HMRC to get son's NI number, register for Proxy voting for the General Elections and sorting out online accounts for the UK flat and paying bills here. I also packed a few bits and pieces for my next trip, stuff we can use in the flat and started cutting out triangles to make bunting and sewed a couple of dog beds for donation.

120/365 Sunday. Magazine.
I visited the Jumeriah Madinat for a coffee, did a bit of shopping, visited the nail bar for a manicure and spent the afternoon booking brunch for Friday and a few trips for child 3 & 3a. We had an early night while child3 & 3a explored Box Park and City Walk.

121/365 Monday. Holiday.
It's child 3's 25th birthday today, I spent the morning online, dropped them at the beach, chilled out for an hour, had a coffee and blogged in the afternoon. There was birthday cake and 3 & 3a went to Jumeriah Madinat for dinner, we watched Netflix and had an early night.

122/365 Tuesday. Food.
I dropped 3 & 3a at Dubai Mall, they went up the Burj Khalifa and to the Aquarium and I spent an hour on my blog, drinking coffee and eating cake. I did some food shopping and returned home and went to bed with a headache. Apart from cooking a chicken curry for dinner, nothing much else was achieved.

123/365 Wednesday. Contemplate.
I took 3 & 3a to Dubai Marina, they caught the ferry to Diera and I had coffee and a walk. I did the ironing in the afternoon, we went out for dinner and an early night. I'm fed up of waiting for others to make decisions in regards to my life. I'm waiting on a date for a job interview, until I know if I've got the job or not I'm unable to make any plans other than returning to the UK in June. I'm either a) staying till September and Peter will join me or b) return mid August to start new job and Peter will join me early July instead.

124/365 Thursday. New
A drive on the Palm and lunch at Jumeriah Beach Residence and a stroll round the shops. 3 & 3a spent the afternoon on the beach and to Dubai Mall in the evening to watch the fountains and LED display.

125/365 Friday. Sharp.
Brunch and end of the day, also the end of my extended holiday.

126/365 Saturday B&W.
Job interview in the morning, will hear in 7-10 days. Rest of the day spent ironing and sorting paperwork while 3 & 3a were on the beach, sent hubby to the supermarket to get dinner and took 3 & 3a to airport and said our goodbyes.

Next week will be spent spring cleaning and the next visitor is child 5 at the end of May.

On the blog this week.

My Sunday Photo H is for holiday
Parenting, PoCoLo, Tweens Teens and Beyond and Triumpant Tales - Disabled toilets in the UK


  1. Some fabulous views of Dubai this week and it sounds like 3 and 3a had a good week! Lovely photo of you at the end there. Fingers crossed that it's good news from the job interview!

    1. I've rather enjoyed being on holiday at home, yes 3 and 3a had a great trip, will be sad to see them go, the photo of me was taken before the drinking began

  2. What gorgeous views....It sounds like a lovely week.
    Good luck with the job x

    1. The views in Dubai are stunning, but sadly only by looking up or from a distance otherwise it's just sand

  3. Well you haven't stopped this week! And so nice to have family visit. Fingers crossed for you on the job front! #365

    1. thank you, it has been lovely having family to visit, but i do need a rest now

  4. If that's a holiday, I'd hate to be you when you're busy. Sounds exhausting! Glad you've enjoyed your family visits and hope the job interview goes well :)

    1. i thought i had quite a quiet week until i did the ironing

  5. I get tired reading about your weeks - phew! So lovely to have family coming and going though and good luck with the job interview x

    1. much quieter this coming week apart from cleaning, blogging and coffees

  6. Bet it was nice to have 3 and 3a with you, although tiring with all the driving around. Hope you get the job result you want.

    1. i did get a surprising amount of time off in which i actually did nothing

  7. Nice to see them come but nice to see them go.....They seem to have packed in a fair amount.
    Your early morning and later evenings sound the best way to deal with the heat.
    Your life sounds like

    1. yep at the end of the day i just live somewhere different

  8. Sounds like a really busy week. Hope you hear about the job soon so you can start to make some plans. Must have been nice to have your son and his girlfriend visiting #365

    1. it was lovely this visit, as he's been here before several times so he could entertain himself without too much input from me, hate hanging around for news on this job, can't get anything done this week.

  9. Sounds like another busy week! Hope you get the job!

    Your pictures are making me want to have another holiday in Dubai!

    1. if i get offered the job there's a lot of thinking to do as to whether i accept it or not, working last year was difficult in regards to endless visitors and seeing my kids in the uk

  10. had a great week with my son and gf, had a week to recover and now back to normal

