Saturday, 9 December 2017

One daily Positive - Week 49

At some point this week the Christmas tree went up and the rest of the boxes were unpacked and everything was put away. The cupboard under the stairs which is now our attic, needs tidying and there's a fair bit of stuff to be thrown away which i'll be doing next week. The laundry room also needs sorting as I have a single bed, double oven, washing machine and American style fridge freezer  stored in there, to sell, along with the cat litter tray in the shower room, not leaving much space to dry washing and for the cat to live.

The weather has cooled to 'fantastic' around 26c in the day with a breeze which means with the doors and windows open the house is constantly filling with sand, but it's a small price to pay after the relentless heat of summer and we've even had the odd smattering of rain. It's actually chilly in the mornings and a jumper is required.

We have a busy few weeks coming up now. John Bishop on Thursday at the World Trade Centre, brunch on Friday, followed by visitors the following week, then brunch is booked for Christmas Day and in-between Peter has a couple of trips lined up to Saudi with work.

337 Sunday Architecture
Bob and I took a walk to explore our new neighbourhood, this is the new Metro line and station being built just a few hundred yards from our new home, far enough and out of sight, but close enough to walk to even in the heat of summer.

338 Monday Music
A visit to sort out the utilities for our previous house and hand the keys back. I collected the cat from the vets where she'd been all week, it was a long journey with her shouting at me all the way home. My key broke off in the ignition, but came out easily and I have a spare.

339 Tuesday Low Angle.
Spent the day trying to stop the cat getting outdoors, which proved to be a bit of a challenge with Bob wanting to be outside, then inside all day long.

340 Wednesday Depth

341 Thursday Still.
I had a manicure in the morning and then spent the rest of the day rearranging the house and enlisting the maid over the road to come and help me move all the stuff we wanted to get rid of from our house over to hers where she'll sort, hand out and send back to the Philippines. I then met Peter and a colleague of his from South Africa for a coffee before we went for dinner.

342 Friday Lights
We visited Dubai Garden Centre and a DIY store to buy a few bits and pieces for the house and garden, we almost got home before I realised I'd left my purse on the counter. Security had called my bank, who then called me just as we arrived back at the store to collect it. We had some surprise rain in the evening which was welcomed. This is what I love about Dubai, I had every confidence my purse would be exactly where I left it and intact.
343 Saturday I'm wearing
We went to The Beach for breakfast and a walk. It's really nice to be outdoors and enjoy the cooler weather. Peter spent the afternoon restoring the outdoor umbrella and wooden stand and Bob and I went to a Christmas party. I've had a couple of approaches recently to write some sponsored posts relating to clothing and accessories, I've no idea where these come from as it's not something I blog about, but I'm not one to turn down a 'freebie' if it suits my blog. I've got some sunglasses and a t shirt also to add to a blog post later on today. I did have a request from a company who said 'we think our products would fit your blog nicely' I clicked on their webpage.......they sell sex toys....what posts were they reading to reach that conclusion? needless to say I didn't even bother replying.
In the afternoon Bob and I went to see Santa.

On the blog this week:

TriumphantTales - Managing Life as an expat


  1. Your Christmas tree is lovely. Have a great week!

  2. That's amazing that you can rely on your purse still being exactly where you left it. Well done on sorting the house so quickly, the tree looks great. 26 degrees sounds very nice! That's just about my favourite temperature.

    1. very pleased with the house, already feels like a home, just the cleaning to do now and first guests arrive next week

  3. Great news about the purse! The tree is looking good. Had to giggle about the sex toys.

    1. oh the sex toy invite amused my husband greatly, he asked just what the bloody hell had i blogged about now lol

  4. love your sun glasses and dress look. You always seem to have such busy weeks while I seem to sit about doing nothing all day every day. Fed up of no money to ever do anything.
    Poor cat would not appreciate why she would need to be kept indoors. Have to wonder why the dog has a name but the cat doesnt.

    1. it's busy at the moment Elaine, but I also have many weeks where it's an effort to get out the house and motivate myself

  5. That was wonderful that your purse was safe and sound. Your tree looks beautiful!

    1. Dubai is so safe, we can leave our bags, phones etc at the table when we go to the toilet, knowing they'll be there on our return

